carry | ~ st over, a. (accounting) membawa sst ke hadapan; b. retain as st to be dealt with later, membawa sst: to ~ over some minor matters until the next meeting, membawa beberapa perkara kecil ke mesyuarat yg akan datang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
front | n 1. fore or forward part, (bahagian) /depan, hadapan/: the dress is pleated in ~, baju itu berlisu di depan; the ~ of the car was badly damaged, bahagian depan kereta itu rosak teruk; the ~ of the house faces south, bahagian depan rumah itu menghadap ke selatan; lie on o’s ~, meniarap; 2. (of book etc) the beginning, bahagian depan: the ~ of this dictionary, bahagian depan kamus ini; 3. position before one, depan, hadapan: the student came to the ~ of the class, pelajar itu datang ke depan kelas; look to the ~, not behind you, pandang ke depan bukan ke belakang; eyes ~, (used in command) pandang /depan, hadapan/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
far | adv 1. at, to considerable distance in space, jauh: do you live ~ from here?, kamu tinggal jauh dr sini?; we did not go ~, kami tdk pergi jauh; 2. from a considerable distance, dr jauh: did you come ~?, kamu datang dr jauh?; 3. (used with other adv or prep) a great distance in space or time, jauh: they lived ~ away from us, mereka tinggal jauh dr rumah kami; he was ~ ahead of the other runners, dia jauh di hadapan pelari-pelari lain; to look ~ into the future, melihat jauh ke masa depan; 4. a great deal, very much, a. (modifying adj) jauh: the journey was ~ worse than we expected, perjalanan itu jauh lebih teruk drpd yg kami sangka; it would have been ~ better to resign, jauh lebih baik sekiranya dia meletak jawatan; b. (modifying adv), [not translated]: she’s ~ too thin, dia terlalu kurus; it’s ~ too crowded in here, tempat ini terlalu sesak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |