flat1 | adj 1. level and horizontal, datar: the floor is not ~, lantai itu tdk datar; the house has a ~ roof, rumah itu berbumbung datar; 2. even, rata: every morning the butler smoothed the newspaper ~ with a warm iron, setiap pagi butler itu menyeterika rata surat khabar dgn seterika yg suam; 3. having little depth, thickness, leper: a ~ plate, pinggan leper; ~ cakes, kek leper; a ~ cap, topi leper; ~ shoes, kasut leper; 4. with broad, level surface, a. (of face) leper, pipih; b. (of nose) pesek, penyek, pipih; 5. (of tyre) deflated, kempis; 6. definite, bulat-bulat, mentah-mentah: he gave a ~ refusal to their request, dia menolak bulat-bulat permintaan mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flat1 | n 1. level surface of land, tanah /pamah, datar/: the cattle are grazing on the ~s, lembu-lembu itu sedang meragut rumput di tanah datar; 2. flat surface or part, bahagian bilah [n] yg rata; (of oar) bilah; (of hand) tapak: the ~ of a sword, bahagian bilah pedang yg rata; 3. deflated tyre, tayar /pancit, kempis/; (due to low pressure) tayar kempis; 4. (mus) not flet; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hydroplane | n 1. (light, fast motorboat) pesawat peluncur; 2. (device in submarine) kemudi datar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
belief | n kepercayaan: ~ in ghosts, kepercayaan pd hantu; the ~ at one time that the earth was flat, kepercayaan pd suatu masa dahulu bahawa dunia ini datar; he came in the ~ that..., dia datang dgn kepercayaan bahawa...; according to the Christian ~, menurut kepercayaan agama Kristian; her ~ in her friends, kepercayaannya thdp kawan-kawannya; our ~ that he is honest..., kepercayaan kami bahawa dia jujur...; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inhospitable | adj 1. (of person), (disinclined to have guests) tdk suka menerima tetamu; (unfriendly) tdk ramah; (showing lack of hospitality esp by not giving food, shelter) tdk berbudi bahasa: it’s not that I’m ~, it’s more a case of having too much to do and not being able to cope, bukan saya tdk suka menerima tetamu, tetapi kerja saya terlalu banyak dan saya tdk dapat mengendalikan semuanya; an unsociable, ~ widow, janda yg tdk suka bergaul dan tdk ramah; don’t you agree that it was ~ of them not to offer us a cup of tea?, kamu setuju tdk kalau saya katakan mereka tdk berbudi bahasa, secawan teh pun tdk dijamukan?; 2. (of place) not suitable to live in, tdk sesuai didiami: a windswept, ~ plain, tanah datar yg keanginan dan tdk sesuai didiami. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |