push | 2. drive, determination, daya usaha: a successful salesman needs a certain amount of ~, jurujual yg berjaya memerlukan sedikit sebanyak daya usaha; 3.advance into an area, kemaraan: the enemy’s ~ to the south was halted, kemaraan pihak musuh ke selatan disekat; 4. shift, move towards st, gerakan, aliran: of late, there’s been a ~ in that direction from certain quarters, kebelakangan ini, terdapat gerakan ke arah itu dr beberapa kumpulan; 5. (colloq) pressure (on so. to do st) desakan: she needs a bit of a ~ to make her work, dia perlu sedikit desakan utk membuat dia bekerja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bat1 | off o’s own ~, (colloq) a. on o’s own initiative, atas /daya usaha, inisiatif/ sendiri, dgn /daya usaha, inisiatif/ sendiri; b. without approval from anyone, /pandai-pandai sendiri, memandai-mandai/ (sahaja): since you did it off your own ~ I will not pay for the extra cost, krn kamu melakukannya pandai-pandai sendiri sahaja, saya tdk akan membayar kos tambahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
initiative | 2. power, right to begin st, influence events etc, kuasa bertindak: our opponents have the ~ now, and are therefore in a strong position, pihak lawan saya sekarang mempunyai kuasa bertindak, dan oleh itu kedudukan mereka kuat; 3. enterprise, daya usaha, inisiatif: the job needs a man of ~, jawatan itu memerlukan orang yg mempunyai daya usaha; he should show more ~ and stop depending too much on others, dia seharusnya menunjukkan daya usaha yg lebih dan tdk terlalu bergantung pd orang lain. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
initiative | n 1. introductory or important step, action, daya usaha, inisiatif; (foll attrib n) langkah utama + approp prep: she took the ~ in ensuring that the place was spick and span before the governor’s visit, dia mengambil inisiatif dlm memastikan bahawa tempat itu bersih dan rapi sebelum lawatan gabenor; he did it on his own ~, dia melakukannya atas daya usahanya sendiri; peace ~s in the Gulf area, langkah utama ke arah perdamaian di kawasan Teluk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
enterprise | n 1. undertaking esp an adventurous or difficult one, usaha: his new ~ sounds even more risky than his last, usaha barunya nampaknya lebih berisiko drpd usahanya yg dahulu; 2. willingness to engage in such undertakings and to take risks, daya usaha: his father was a man of great ~, bapanya mempunyai daya usaha yg tinggi; 3. business firm, syarikat: this company today is one of the largest industrial ~s in Asia, hari ini, syarikat ini merupakan antara syarikat perindustrian yg terbesar di Asia; 4. business activity, perusahaan:private ~ is responsible for much of the country’s development, perusahaan swasta bertanggungjawap thdp kebanyakan pembangunan negara itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exercise | 4. use, application, penggunaan; (of leniency, caution, patience, tolerance) bersikap [adj], ber- [adj]; (restraint, self-control, etc) dapat [v]: the essay topic calls for the ~ of the student’s imagination, tajuk esei itu memerlukan penggunaan daya fikir pelajar-pelajar; the ~ of patience and self-control is necessary in most negotiations, bersikap sabar dan dapat mengawal diri amat perlu dlm kebanyakan perundingan; 5. (mil) latihan: naval ~s, latihan tentera laut; 6. set of actions planned to achieve a particular purpose or effect, usaha: the object of this whole ~ was to woo foreign investors, tujuan seluruh usaha ini adalah utk menarik para pelabur asing; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |