exposé | n disclosure, dedahan: the paper was well-known for its ~s, akhbar itu terkenal krn dedahan-dedahannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exposure | 2. hypothermia, (keadaan) terdedah kpd cuaca sejuk: he died of ~ after being lost on the mountain, dia mati akibat terdedah kpd cuaca sejuk semasa sesat di atas gunung itu; 3. publicity, dedahan: the event has been given the widest possible ~, peristiwa itu diberikan dedahan yg seluas-luasnya; 4. (photog) a. (amount of light) dedahan cahaya; b. (photograph) gambar: the film has 20 ~s, kita boleh mengambil 20 gambar dgn filem ini; c. (act, process) pendedahan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
expose | 3. introduce, acqaint, mendedahkan: he was ~d to the works of Chaucer, Jonson and Pope at an early age, dia didedahkan kpd hasil-hasil karya Chaucer, Jonson dan Pope sejak kanak-kanak lagi; 4. a. make (crime etc) known, mendedahkan: the press ~d the scandal which the organization had tried to conceal, pihak akhbar mendedahkan skandal yg cuba diselindungi oleh organisasi itu; b. make known the crime etc of, mendedahkan + approp n: he threatened to ~ the syndicate to the police, dia mengugut utk mendedahkan kegiatan sindiket itu kpd polis;5. (photog) dedahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |