pounce | pound1 vi 1. move with heavy step, berlari /gedebak-gedebuk, berdegap-degap/: I heard somebody ~ing up the stairs, saya terdengar seseorang berlari berdegap-degap menaiki tangga; the wild horses ~ along the forest path, kuda-kuda liar berlari gedebak-gedebuk sepanjang lorong hutan itu; 2. (of heart) beat heavily, berdegap-degap, berdegup-degup: his heart was ~ing as he reached the finishing line, jantungnya berdegap-degap semasa dia sampai ke garis penamat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beat | vi (of the heart) berdegup; ~ /faster, vigorously, etc/, berdegap-degup, berdegup-degup, berdegap-degap, berlegup-legap; (usu due to strong emotion) berdebar(-debar): fear made his heart ~ faster, perasaan takut menyebabkan hatinya berdebar-debar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |