den | n 1. lair, jerumun: a lion’s ~, jerumun singa; 2. haunt, secret resort, sarang: a ~ of thieves, sarang penyamun; an opium ~, sarang pencandu; ~ of vice, tempat maksiat; 3. private retreat, bilik (peribadi). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gambling-den, gambling-house | n (old use) perjudian, rumah judi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
immure | vt (archaic) see IMPRISON; ~ os, berkurung, mengurung dirinya: he ~d himself in his den in order to finish writing the book, dia berkurung di dlm bilik kecilnya utk menyiapkan buku itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forbid | vt 1. refuse or not allow, melarang, menegah; (officially) melarang: the law ~s the opening of bars on Sunday, undang-undang melarang bar dibuka pd Hari Ahad; she was ~den to leave the house, dia dilarang drpd meninggalkan rumah; mother forbade us chocolates for fear that our teeth would be ruined, ibu melarang kami memakan coklat krn takut gigi kami rosak; smoking is ~den in the library, dilarang merokok di perpustakaan; 2. prevent, menghalang: my health ~s my travelling overseas, keadaan kesihatan saya menghalang saya drpd melancong ke luar negeri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bid | vt 1. command, order, a. memerintahkan; (of royalty) menitahkan: the soldiers did as they were ~den, askar-askar itu bertindak sebagaimana yg diperintahkan; 2. ask, menyuruh: just do as your father ~s you, buat saja spt yg disuruh (oleh) ayahmu; 3. invite, ask kindly, mempersilakan, menjemput: he bade me enter, dia mempersilakan saya masuk; 4. greet, salute, mengucapkan: she bade me farewell, dia mengucapkan selamat tinggal kpd saya; 5. offer a certain price (for) menawarkan, membida: he ~ $60.00 for the chair, dia menawarkan $60.00 utk kerusi itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |