grudge | n dendam; bear a ~, menaruh dendam: I bear him no ~, saya tdk menaruh dendam terhadapnya; /have, hold/ a ~ against, /menaruh dendam, berdendam/ thdp: he has a ~ against me, dia berdendam thdp saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blood feud | n /kesumat, dendam/ berdarah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hold 1 | ~ st against so., a. let st affect o’s judgement, /mendendami, menaruh dendam thdp/ sso: I will not ~ it against you that your father ill-treated me once, saya tdk akan mendendami saudara krn ayah saudara pernah menganiaya saya; b. take st into account, mengambil kira: your past should not be held against you, masa lalu kamu tdk patut diambil kira; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hard feeling | n; no ~s, [various translations]: although we’re divorced we have no ~s towards each other, walaupun kami sudah bercerai kami tdk menyimpan rasa dendam antara satu sama lain. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
act | n 1. deed, perbuatan: a criminal ~, perbuatan jenayah; a foolish ~, perbuatan bodoh; ~ of kindness, perbuatan baik; ~ of vengeance, perbuatan membalas dendam; ~ of mercy, perbuatan ihsan; 2. statute, akta: Land A~, Akta Tanah; ~ of Parliament, akta Parlimen; 3. (of play, opera) babak: a three -~ play, lakonan tiga babak; 4. one of a series of short performances, (acara) persembahan: a song and dance ~, sebuah persembahan nyanyian dan tarian; 5. pretence, kepura-puraan, pura-pura: his grief was only an ~, kesedihannya hanya pura-pura; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
avenge | vt membela, menuntut bela thdp; (insult etc) membalas: he vowed to ~ his father’s death, dia bersumpah akan membela kematian bapanya; she was determined to ~ her lover, dia bertekad utk menuntut bela thdp kematian kekasihnya; I will ~ the insult to my family, saya akan membalas penghinaan yg dilakukan thdp keluarga saya; ~ os on so., membalas dendam thdp sso: he ~d himself on his critics in the next issue of the magazine, dia membalas dendam thdp pengkritik-pengkritiknya dlm majalah keluaran yg berikutnya; ~ st on so., menuntut bela thdp sso: he ~d his brother’s murder on the conspirators, dia menuntut bela thdp pembelot-pembelot itu krn membunuh abangnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bitter | 6. Characterized by intense antagonism or hostility, a. (of enemy) ketat; b. (of struggle, quarrel, etc) pahit, getir: the ~ strugglr for freedom, perjuangan yg getir utkkebebasan; c. (of hatred) penuh dendam; n st bitter, sst yg pahit; take the ~ sweet, menerima pahit manis. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
in | b. committed to take part in, akan /menyertai, mengambil bahagian dlm, ikut serta dlm/: Thailand is ~ for the 1,000 metres, negeri Thai akan menyertai perlumbaan 1,000 meter; /be, get/ ~ on, (colloq) bersama-sama dlm: they were ~ on the scheme from the beginning, mereka bersama-sama dlm rancangan itu sejak mula lagi; be (well) ~ with, (colloq) buat baik: he’s ~ with all the big wigs in the company, dia buat baik dgn semua orang besar syarikat itu; have it ~ for so., (colloq) dendam pd sso: he has it ~ for the new clerk, dia dendam pd erani baru itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deadly | adj 1. fatal, lethal, (boleh) membawa maut: the poison of the taipan is ~, bisa ular taipan boleh membawa maut; a ~ disease, penyakit yg boleh membawa maut; 2. implacable, a. (of enemy, foe) ketat: ~ enemies, musuh ketat; b. (of feeling) meluap-luap: ~ hatred, kebencian yg meluap-luap; ~ vengeance, dendam kesumat; 3. with aim to kill, destroy, bermati-matian: to be locked in ~ combat, terlibat dlm pertarungan bermati-matian; 4. deathlike, a. (of paleness, pallor) spt mayat: a ~ paleness spread over her features, wajahnya beransur-ansur pucat spt mayat; b. (of silence) sepi; c. (of stillness) sesepi-sepinya; 5. excessive, sangat: he was in ~ haste to leave town, dia sangat tergesa-gesa hendak meninggalkan bandar itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bear2 | 10. have, possess, contain, mempunyai, mengandungi: a word which ~s many meanings, perkataan yg mempunyai makna yg banyak; 11. harbour, have, menaruh [in some contexts, not translated]: he ~s no hatred against a__nyone, dia tdk menaruh perasaan benci thdp sesiapa pun; to ~ a grudge against so., menaruh dendam thdp sso; because of the love she ~s him, she would face anything together with him, oleh sebab kasih sayangnya thdp lelaki itu, dia sanggup menghadapi apa-apa sahaja bersamanya; 12. be marked with, show, menunjukkan: his body still ~s the scars of that encounter, tubuhnya masih menunjukkan parut-parut luka akibat pertempuran itu; a banner ~ing a beautifully designed crest, panji yg menunjukkan jata yg indah reka bentuknya; 13. be fit for, deserve, layak, wajar: his claim doesn’t ~ further examination, dakwaannya itu tdk layak dikaji lebih lanjut; words that do not ~ repeating, kata-kata yg tdk wajar diulang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |