instigation | n; at / so’s ~, the ~ of so. /, atas desakan sso: he stated that he had done so at the ~ of his class-mates, dia mengatakan bahawa dia berbuat demikian atas desakan rakan sedarjahnya; at our ~ they agreed to sink their differences, atas desakan kami mereka bersetuju utk melupakan perselisihan antara mereka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
demand | n 1. peremptory request, desakan; (for what one believes to be o’s rights) tuntutan: a child’s ~ for attention, desakan seorang anak utk mendapat perhatian; all ~s for payment of the bill were ignored, semua tuntutan bayaran tdk dipedulikan; the union’s ~s are quite reasonable, tuntutan-tuntutan kesatuan itu agak wajar; 2. urgent, pressing claim, tuntutan, desakan: the ~s on o’s time, tuntutan thdp masa sso; 3. (econ) permintaan: supply and ~, penawaran dan permintaan; the ~ for skilled labour, permintaan utk pekerja-pekerja mahir; ~ curve, keluk permintaan; ~ price, harga permintaan; ~ schedule, jadual permintaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
impelling | adj mendorong: an ~ urge to tell so. the truth, desakan yg mendorong utk memberitahukan perkara sebenar pd sso. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jostling | adj berasak-asak, mengasak-asak, bersesak-sesak, menyesak-nyesak, mendesak-desak, berdesak-desakan, bertolak-tolakan: the ~ crowd, orang ramai yg bertolak-tolakan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jostle | vi berasak-asak, mengasak-asak, bersesak-sesak, menyesak-nyesak, mendesak-desak, berdesak-desakan, bertolak-tolakan: people were jostling and pushing, orang ramai berasak-asak dan bertolak-tolakan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
insistence | n act of, a. (declaring, maintaining firmly) berkeras mengatakan, menegaskan: despite his constant ~ that he was innocent..., walaupun dia tdk henti-henti menegaskan bahawa dia tdk bersalah...; b. (demanding that st must be done) pendesakan, desakan: in the face of such ~, what could we do but comply?, apabila menghadapi desakan spt itu, kami tdk ada pilihan lain kecuali mengikut sahaja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
importunity | n 1. quality of being importunate, tdk henti-henti mendesak; (of beggar) tdk henti-henti meminta: he grew tired of the saleman’s ~, dia naik bosan dgn jurujual yg tdk henti-henti mendesak; 2. instance of being importunate, desakan: he finally gave in to his wife’s importunities, akhirnya dia mengalah pd desakan isterinya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clamour | n 1. loud, confused outcry of human voices or animal sounds, bunyi riuh; (extremely loud) bunyi /riuh-rendah, hingar-bingar/: the ~ of voices coming from the other room, bunyi riuh suara dr bilik sebelah; 2. loud, continued noise, bunyi bising: she closed the window to shut out the ~ of the traffic, dia menutup tingkap supaya bunyi bising lalu lintas tdk kedengaran; 3. loud, insistent demand or complaint, suara desakan ramai: the ~ for independence grew more insistent, suara desakan ramai yg menuntut kemerdekaan menjadi bertambah kuat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drive | n 1. trip, journey in vehicle, perjalanan dgn + approp n: a two-hour ~ to Tanjung Malim, perjalanan dgn kereta selama dua jam ke Tanjung Malim; 2. see DRIVEWAY; 3. organized effort, kempen: austerity ~, kempen berjimat cermat; 4. (sport) pukul deras; backhand ~, pukul kilas; 5. push, dorongan: he is able but he lacks ~, dia berkebolehan tetapi kurang dorongan; 6. inner urge, desakan: the sex ~, desakan jantina; 7. means by which motion is transmitted, pemacu: belt ~, pemacu tali sawat; front-wheel ~, pemacu roda depan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
compel | vt 1. force (to do or be st ), (act.) memaksa; (pass.) terpaksa: poor health ~led him to give up his job, krn kesihatannya terganggu, dia terpaksa berhenti kerja; 2. demand, membuat; (attention) menarik: pressure from within the group ~led his resignation, desakan dr dlm kumpulan itu sendiri membuat dia meletakkan jawatan; her outrageous dress ~led attention, bajunya yg menjolok mata menarik perhatian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |