hiss | ~ at, mendesis-desis pd: the audience ~ed at the speaker for the gaffe he made, penonton mendesis-desis pd penceramah krn kesilapan bodoh yg dibuatnya; ~ off (the stage), mendesis-desis sehingga [sso] turun pentas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hiss | n 1. (of snake, escaping gas), (bunyi) desis: the ~ of a snake, desis ular; 2. (of steam, water on a hot surface) bunyi desir; 3. (as expression of dislike), (bunyi) desis: there were ~es from the audience when the announcement was made, terdengar bunyi desis di kalangan penonton apabila pengumuman itu dibuat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fizz | n 1. sputtering, hissing sound, (bunyi) desis; 2 . bubbly quality of a drink, gas: the soda water has lost its ~, air soda itu sudah hilang gasnya; 3. effervescent wine, wain berbusa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hiss | vt 1. utter with hissing sound, mendesis: to ~ a warning to so., mendesiskan amaran kpd sso; 2. express disapproval by making hissing sounds, mendesis-desis + approp prep: the audience ~ed the person who made the announcement, penonton mendesis-desis pd orang yg membuat pengumuman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |