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Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[de.sus] | دسوس

Definisi : ; ~-desis = berdesus, berdesus-desus, mendesus, mendesus-desus bunyi spt bu­nyi orang berbisik; mendesuskan membisikkan; ® desas-desus. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata desus

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

buzzvi 1. (of bees, machinery) make a humming or vibrating sound, berdengung: the bees ~ed in the garden, lebah-lebah berdengung di taman, 2. be filled with, berdesas-desus: the town is ~ing with the news, bandar itu berdesas-desus dgn khabar-khabar tersebut; the room ~ed with voices, bilik itu berdesas-desus dgn suara manusia; 3. make a signal with a buzzer, menekan pembaz memanggil sso: he ~ed for his secretary, dia menekan pembaz memanggil setiausahanya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
gossip columnn ruang(an) /desas-desus, gosip/.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
gossipyadj suka mengumpat; (of letter etc) penuh dgn /desas-desus, gosip/.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
gossip2. (often derog) informal writing about the private lives of well-known personalities, social incidents, etc, desas-desus, gosip: a ~ columnist, penulis ruangan gosip; 3. friendly chat, berbual-bual, bersembang: she liked to have a ~ with her neighbour, dia suka berbual-bual dgn jirannya; 4. scandal monger, tattler, kaki umpat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
jotn (used with negative) sedikit pun: there’s not a ~ of truth in the rumour, tdk ada sedikit pun kebenaran dlm desas-desus itu; I don’t care a ~ what people say, saya tdk peduli sedikit pun apa yg orang lain kata;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
buzzn 1. hum of bee(s) dengung; 2. sound of a buzzer, bunyi pembaz; 3. rumour, gossip, desas-desus;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fly1~ about, a. berterbangan: leaves and rubbish were ~ing about, daun-daun dan sampah-sarap berterbangan; b. (fig.) tersebar: there’s a lot of gossip ~ing about concerning them, banyak desas-desus yg sedang tersebar ttg mereka;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
airbe in the ~, a. uncertain, di awang-awang(an): his plans are still in the ~, rancangannya masih di awang-awangan; b. spreading about, sedang tersebar; (of feeling) dapat dirasakan: disquieting rumours are in the ~, desas-desus yg merisaukan sedang tersebar; love is in the ~, suasana percintaan dapat dirasakan; c. (mil) unprotected, tdk berperlindungan: the left flank was left in the ~, rusuk kiri batalion itu tdk beperlindungan; in the open ~, di /tempat, kawasan/ terbuka;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
last 1 b. not have to be concerned with so., st again, tdk akan /mendengar, melihat/ /sso, sst/ lagi: he’d been such a nuisance, the landlady was glad to see the ~ of him, dia begitu menyusahkan, jadi wanita tuan rumah sangat gembira krn tdk akan melihat dia lagi; I hope we have heard the ~ of that rumour, saya berharap kita tdk akan mendengar desas-desus itu lagi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
columnn 1. upright pillar, tiang: the ~s supporting the roof, tiang-tiang yg menyokong bumbung; Nelson’s ~, tiang Nelson; 2. any column-shaped object or mass, a. (of smoke etc) kepulan, gumpalan; b. (of water) pancutan, memancut: a ~ of water shot up from the ground, pancutan air dr tanah; c. (the steering column) turus roda kemudi; 3. (journ) regular article, feature, ruang: gossip ~, ruang desas-desus; 4. a vertical row or list, lajur: write the figures in the ~s provided, tulis angka-angka di dalam lajur yg disediakan; 5. line of ships, people, etc following one another, jajaran: a ~ of soldiers, jajaran askar; a ~ of ants, jajaran semut; 6. (bot) turus.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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