front | in ~ of, a. in a position before, di /depan, hadapan/: a large garden in ~ of the office, sebuah taman besar di depan pejabat; b. in the presence of, di /depan, hadapan/: he swore in ~ of the children, dia menyumpah di depan budak-budak; c. ahead of, terkedepan drpd: he is in ~ of me in mathematics, dia terkedepan drpd saya dlm matematik; put /so., st /in ~ of, (fig.) mendahulukan: he put his career in ~ of everything, dia mendahulukan kerjayanya drpd segala-galanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
button | vi berbutang: the blouse ~s at the front, blaus itu berbutang di depan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
freely | 4. openly, (dgn) terus-terang: he spoke quite ~ in front of me, dia bercakap terus-terang di depan saya; 5. readily, dgn mudah: this book can be ~ obtained from any good bookshop, buku ini dapat diperoleh dgn mudah dr sebarang kedai buku yg baik; 6. willingly, dgn rela (hati): she ~ gave her own share to the children, dgn rela hati dia memberikan bahagiannya sendiri kpd budak-budak itu; 7. generously, dgn murah hati: he gives ~ to the orphanage, dia menyumbang dgn murah hati kpd rumah anak yatim. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
emote | vt (colloq) mengada-ada: the actress was emoting in front of her fans, pelakon itu mengada-ada di depan peminat-peminatnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bow1 | vi 1. also ~ down, bend the head or body, tunduk: he ~ed before the king, dia tunduk di depan raja; the singer ~ed to the audience, penyanyi itu tunduk kpd para penonton; 2. (of tree) bend, melentur; 3. submit, tunduk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
draw | ~ up, tiba: a taxi drew up in front of his house, sebuah teksi tiba di depan rumahnya; ~ os up (to o’s full height), berdiri tegak; ~ so. up, (often pass.) sso /berbaris, beratur/: at least 15,000 soldiers were ~n up in the square, sekurang-kurangnya 15,000 askar berbaris di medan itu; ~ st up, a. see vt (sense 18.); b. pull forward, pull close to, menarik sst: they drew up two more chairs so that we could join the group discussion, mereka menarik dua buah kerusi lagi supaya kami dapat ikut serta dlm perbincangan kumpulan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
front | have the ~ to do st, berani + approp v: he had the ~ to tell Mavis that she was a bad administrator, dia berani memberitahu Mavis bahawa dia pentadbir yg kurang baik; in ~, a. in a forward position, di /depan, hadapan/: a large house with a courtyard in ~, rumah besar dgn pekarangan di depan; b. ahead, lebih /dahulu, awal/: he was behind for most of the race but managed to finish in ~, kebanyakan masa dlm perlumbaan itu dia di belakang, tetapi berjaya menamatkan perlumbaan lebih dahulu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
front | n 1. fore or forward part, (bahagian) /depan, hadapan/: the dress is pleated in ~, baju itu berlisu di depan; the ~ of the car was badly damaged, bahagian depan kereta itu rosak teruk; the ~ of the house faces south, bahagian depan rumah itu menghadap ke selatan; lie on o’s ~, meniarap; 2. (of book etc) the beginning, bahagian depan: the ~ of this dictionary, bahagian depan kamus ini; 3. position before one, depan, hadapan: the student came to the ~ of the class, pelajar itu datang ke depan kelas; look to the ~, not behind you, pandang ke depan bukan ke belakang; eyes ~, (used in command) pandang /depan, hadapan/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bow1 | n bending of head, body, tundukan: his ~ was stiff and awkward, tundukannya kaku dan canggung; make a ~, tunduk; make o’s ~, muncul pertama kali: the young pianist made his ~ to a distinguished audience, pemain piano muda itu muncul pertama kali di depan para penonton terhormat; take a ~, tunduk menerima penghargaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forget | ~ about, a. see vi; b. fail to remember (st or doing st), (ter)lupa: he forgot about his wife’s birthday, dia terlupa hari jadi isterinya; I forgot about not parking in front of the door, saya terlupa bahawa tdk boleh meletakkan kereta di depan pintu; c. intentionally put out of o’s mind, melupakan: you can ~ about going to the restaurant tonight: I’ve lost my wallet!, lupakan saja rancangan kita utk pergi ke restoran malam ini: beg duit saya hilang!; I tried to ~ about him, but I couldn’t, saya mencuba melupakannya, tetapi tdk berjaya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |