hover | vi 1. (of certain birds) mengepak-ngepak di udara: a hawk was ~ing overhead, seekor helang mengepak-ngepak di udara; 2. (of helicopter) berhenti terkatung-katung; 3. linger uncertainly, terdiri-diri: the waiters ~ed near our table, pelayan-pelayan terdiri-diri dekat dgn meja kami; the stranger ~ed in the doorway, orang yg tdk dikenali itu terdiri-diri di muka pintu; 4. waver, vaccillate, berbelah bagi: she ~ed between buying a house or an apartment, dia berbelah bagi antara hendak membeli sebuah rumah atau sebuah pangsapuri; ~ between life and death, terumbang-ambing antara hidup dgn mati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
facade | n 1. (of building) muka (bangunan): the ~ is embellished with stone figures, muka bangunan itu dihias dgn patung-patung batu; 2. outward appearance, (pd) zahirnya; (pejorative) topeng: her calmness was only a ~, ketenangannya itu hanya pd zahirnya sahaja; behind a ~ of friendliness, di sebalik topeng kemesraan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
around | prep 1. on every side or most sides of, di (se)keliling: a racecourse with stands ~ it, balapan lumba kuda dgn tangga kambing di sekelilingnya; 2. on, along the outer edge of, a. (so as to encircle, surround) di (se)keliling: several people seated ~ the table looked away in embarrassment, beberapa orang yg duduk di sekeliling meja itu memalingkan muka krn malu; he drew a circle ~ the triangle, dia melukis bulatan di sekeliling segi tiga itu; b. (so as to come into contact with) di; (foll verb) pada: the brightly coloured scarf ~ her waist added interest to her plain outfit, selendang yg berwarna terang di pinggangnya menyerikan pakaiannya yg sederhana itu; to put decorations ~ the window, membubuh perhiasan pada bingkai tingkap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fine1 | b. visually appealing, indah, sangat cantik; (of animal) cantik: some of the ~st views in Malaysia are to be found in Sabah, sesetengah pemandangan yg paling indah di Malaysia terdapat di Sabah; that’s a ~ black stallion I just saw in your field, tadi saya nampak seekor kuda jantan hitam yg cantik di padang kamu; 2. (delicate in texture, structure, etc) halus; (delicately made) halus buatannya: she has ~ skin, kulitnya halus; ~ features, raut muka yg halus; ~ silk, sutera yg halus; ~ porcelain bowls, mangkuk tembikar yg halus buatannya; 3. very thin, slender, halus: ~ thread, benang yg halus; she could not read the instructions because the print was too ~, dia tdk dapat membaca arahan itu krn hurufnya terlalu halus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crease | n 1. line made, a. (by crushing) kesan /renyuk, ronyok/, kedut: to iron out the ~s in the dress, menyeterika kedut-kedut pd baju itu; b. (by folding, pressing) kesan lipatan; (on leg of trousers, sleeve, etc) said, lipatan: the ~ in your trousers is not straight, said seluar kamu tdk lurus; 2. wrinkle (esp on face) kedut: ~s on the old man’s face, kedut-kedut di muka orang tua itu; 3. (cricket) paduk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
affix | vt 1. fasten, melekatkan; (by an adhesive) melekatkan, menampalkan: to ~ labels to the boxes, melekatkan label pd kotak; 2. impress, mengecap: the document was ~ed with an official stamp, dokumen itu dicap dgn cap rasmi; 3. add in writing, membubuh; (signature) membubuh, menurunkan: a footnote was ~ed to the page, satu nota kaki dibubuh di muka surat itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
head | vt 1. lead, be in charge of, mengetuai, mengepalai: he is ~ing the committee, dia mengetuai jawatankuasa itu; to ~ a rebellion, mengepalai satu pemberontakan; 2. be at the top, approp v + di kepala: the company’s name ~s every page, nama syarikat itu tercatat di setiap kepala muka surat; ~ the list, di atas sekali: his name ~s the list, namanya di atas sekali dlm senarai itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
earth | n 1. (planet) bumi: the ~ revolves round the sun, bumi beredar mengelilingi matahari; 2. material world, dunia, muka bumi: our life on this ~ is brief, hidup kita di dunia ini singkat sahaja; 3. ground, bumi: the plane nosedived and crashed to the ~, kapal terbang itu menjunam lalu terhempas ke bumi; 4. soil, tanah: to fill a pot with ~, mengisi pasu dgn tanah; 5. animal hole, lubang (tempat tinggal binatang); 6. (electr) litar bumi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bottom | n 1. the lowest part, a. (gen) bahagian bawah: the ~ of the page, bahagian bawah muka surat; the ~ of the wall, bahagian bawah dinding itu; b. (of hill, mountain) kaki; c. (of container) dasar: the dregs have sunk to the ~ of the glass, keladak telah mendap ke dasar gelas; /at, from, to/ the ~, /di, dr, ke/ bawah; 2. underside, /bahagian, sebelah/ bawah: the ~ of the plank was infested with termites, bahagian bawah papan itu penuh dgn anai-anai; the ~ of the kettle was dirty, bahagian bawah cerek itu kotor; 3. ground under a body of water, dasar: the ~ of the sea, dasar laut; the river ~, dasar sungai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inside | adj 1. in or on the inside, a. (of part of the main thing e.g. jacket, bag, which is surrounded or hidden), /bahagian, sebelah/ dalam; (of book) dalam: look for it in your ~ pocket, cari barang itu dlm saku bahagian dalam kotmu; ~ back cover, muka belakang dalam; b. (of building etc) di dalam(nya): has the trailer got an ~ toilet?, adakah trailer itu mempunyai tandas di dalam?; c. (of part of main thing that is nearer the centre) di sebelah dalam: he chose an ~ seat, dia memilih tempat duduk di sebelah dalam; they objected to having an ~ cabin, mereka membantah apabila diberi kabin di sebelah dalam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |