hurry | vt 1.> cause to move etc faster, menggesa-gesakan: if you ~ him, he’ll make more mistakes, kalau kamu menggesa-gesakan dia, dia akan membuat lebih banyak kesilapan; 2. cause to be done in haste, membuat dgn /tergesa-gesa, terburu-buru, bergegas-gegas/: mistakes are bound to occur if you ~ the work, kesilapan mungkin berlaku jika saudara membuat kerja itu dgn tergesa-gesa; 3. speed up, mempercepat, mencepatkan: to ~ o’s pace, mempercepat langkah sso; 4. carry with haste, mengejarkan: troops were hurried to the area, askar-askar telah dikejarkan ke kawasan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
insignificance | n 1. quality of being unimportant, tdk penting: he felt he was being ignored because of his ~, dia berasa dia tdk diendahkan krn dia tdk penting; 2. quality of being small, kecil(nya). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heart | have a ~, give her another chance, kesiankan dia, beri dia satu lagi peluang; have a ~ of gold, berhati emas; have o’s ~ in o’s boots, be terrified, berasa /takut, gementar, kecut/: I had my ~ in my boots when I went to see my boss, saya berasa takut apabila saya pergi menemui bos saya; have o’s ~ in o’s mouth, a. be full of anxiety, berasa bimbang: they had their ~s in their mouths as they waited for the news, mereka berasa bimbang semasa menunggu berita itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hopeful | adj 1. feeling hope, (berasa) ada harapan: he’s ~ of winning the contract, dia berasa dia ada harapan utk mendapat kontrak itu; 2. promising, memberikan harapan: the drop in his temperature is a ~ sign, turunnya suhu badan pesakit itu merupakan tanda yg memberikan harapan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inordinate | adj (fml) 1. exceeding normal limits, terlalu, terlampau: he admitted to driving at an ~ speed, dia mengaku bahawa dia memandu terlalu laju; she spends an ~ length of time in front of the mirror, dia menghabiskan masa yg terlalu lama di hadapan cermin; 2. immoderate, not properly restrained, keterlaluan, melampau-lampau: he could not keep up with her ~ demands, dia tdk terkejar utk memenuhi tuntutan gadis itu yg keterlaluan; ~ passion, nafsu yg keterlaluan; 3. extreme, amat sangat: the thought of the wedding gave her ~ pleasure, apabila terfikir ttg majlis perkahwinan itu dia berasa gembira amat sangat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
knee -high | adj 1. (of person) kecil: I’ve known him since he was only ~, saya kenal dia sejak dia kecil lagi; 2. (of water, grass, etc), /setinggi, separas/ lutut: the plant was almost ~, pokok itu hampir setinggi lut | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
if | ~ only, kalaulah: ~ only she new, kalaulah dia tahu; as ~, seolah-olah, seakan-akan: he acts as ~ he is the boss, dia berlagak seolah-olah dia ketua; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jump | dia bergegas bangun dr katilnya; she just had time to ~ into the taxi before it sped away, dia sempat melompat masuk sebelum teksi itu melaju pergi; he ~ed to his feet and stood at attention, dia bergegas bangun lalu berdiri tegak; 4. start, terkejut, terperanjat: the sudden report made me ~, bunyi tembakan yg tiba-tiba membuat saya terkejut; 5. move quickly (from one thing to another) melompat(-lompat): I found her lecture rather difficult to follow as she kept on ~ing from one topic to another, saya dapati agak sukar utk mengikuti kuliahnya krn dia melompat-lompat drpd satu tajuk ke tajuk lain; he has this habit of ~ing from job to job, dia suka melompat drpd satu pekerjaan ke pekerjaan yg | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heal | vt 1. cure, mend, a. (person) menyembuhkan, memulihkan: he believes he can ~ people by his incantations, dia percaya dia boleh menyembuhkan orang dgn jampi serapahnya; b. (wound, cut, etc) menyembuhkan: this ointment will ~ the burn quickly, salap ini boleh menyembuhkan bahagian yg terbakar itu dgn cepat; c. (broken bone) menautkan semula; 2. (fig.) memulihkan; (sorrow, grief, etc) mengubati: to ~ the broken friendship, memulihkan persahabatan yg terputus; time ~s all sorrows, masa mengubati segala duka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
independence | n 1. state of being independent, kebebasan; (of state, country, etc) kemerdekaan: he felt he should be given more ~, dia berasa dia patut diberi lebih kebebasan; intellectual ~, kebebasan intelektual; the colony was granted ~ six years later, tanah jajahan itu diberi kemerdekaan enam tahun kemudian; 2. time when a country obtains political independence, kemerdekaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |