go | ~ through, a. be approved, diluluskan: my application for a work permit has ~ne through, permohonan saya utk mendapatkan permit kerja telah diluluskan; b. be successfully completed, berhasil: the business deal went through, urusan perniagaan itu berhasil; ~ through st, a. penetrate st, menembusi sst: the road ~es through the mountain, jalan itu menembusi gunung; the nail went through his foot, paku itu menembusi kakinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
censor | n penapis: passed by the film ~s, diluluskan oleh penapis filem; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
enable | >vt 1. give power to, membolehkan: a law was passed to ~ women to vote, undang-undang telah diluluskan utk membolehkan wanita mengundi; he needs an absolute majority to ~ him to govern, dia perlu mendapat majoriti mutlak utk membolehkannya memerintah; 2. give means to, membolehkan: his skill ~d him to earn a living,kemahirannya membolehkannya mencari nafkah; 3. make possible, membolehkan: the scholarship will ~ him to continue his studies, biasiswa itu akan membolehkannya meneruskan pelajarannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
adjournment | n 1. act of adjourning, penangguhan: the motion for the ~ was passed, usul utk penangguhan itu telah diluluskan; 2. period st is adjourned, tempoh penangguhan: during the one day ~, semasa penangguhan sehari itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
get | ~ through, a. enter through (gap, crevice, hole, door, entrance, etc) masuk melalui: the snake got through a crevice in the wall, ular itu masuk melalui rekahan pd dinding; b. be approved by Parliament, diluluskan: we have no doubt that the bill will ~ through, kami tdk ragu-ragu bahawa rang undang-undang itu akan diluluskan; c. contact (by telephone, radio) menghubungi /sso, sst/: I tried several times but could not ~ through, saya mencuba beberapa kali tetapi tdk dapat menghubunginya; d. reach so., sampai, tiba: a message just got through, berita baru saja sampai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
approved | adj 1. established, tested, sudah teruji: ~ methods, kaedah yg sudah teruji; 2. considered good, right, betul: to address the headmaster in the ~ manner, bercakap dgn guru besar dgn cara yg betul; 3. sanctioned, diluluskan: an ~ liquidator, pencair yg diluluskan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clear | 11. get official approval, meluluskan: plans for the restoration of the historic village have not been ~ed by the local council, rancangan utk membaik pulih kampung yg bersejarah itu belum diluluskan oleh majlis tempatan; 12. vet, menapis: he will first have to be ~ed by the Special Branch, terlebih dahulu dia mestilah ditapis oleh Cawangan Khas; 13. (cheque) menjelaskan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
get | ~ so. through (exam, test), /membantu, menolong/ hingga sso lulus: with additional classes the lecturer got all his students through, dgn mengadakan kuliah tambahan, pensyarah itu dapat membantu hingga semua pelajarnya lulus; ~ st through, a. cause st to move, pass through, membawa sst melalui: we could not ~ the cupboard through the door, kami tdk dapat membawa almari itu melalui pintu; b. cause st to be passed by Parliament, (berjaya) mengatur supaya sst diluluskan: to ~ a bill through the House, berjaya mengatur supaya rang undang-undang diluluskan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
impede | n hinder, obstruct, (act.) menghalang; (pass.) terhalang: his heavy clothing ~d his movement, pakaiannya yg berat itu menghalang gerak-gerinya; the Opposition tried to ~ the progress of the bill, pihak Pembangkang mencuba menghalang perkembangan rang undang-undang itu drpd diluluskan; city traffic was badly ~d by the demonstrations, lalu lintas di bandar raya terhalang dgn teruk akibat tunjuk perasaan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
law | n 1. rules legally instituted, undang-undang: the company’s latest move is only just within the ~, langkah terbaru syarikat itu masih lagi mengikut lunas undang-undang; international ~, undang-undang antarabangsa; 2. any one of these rules, undang-undang: the ~ was passed many years ago, undang-undang tersebut telah diluluskan beberapa tahun yg lalu; 3. rule governing certain activity, conduct, etc, peraturan: the ~s of cricket, peraturan-peraturan dlm permainan kriket: the ~s of good behaviour, peraturan-peraturan berkelakuan baik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |