cry | ~ off, menarik diri: he had volunteered to help but cried off at the last moment, dia menawarkan diri utk menolong tetapi menarik diri pd saat-saat akhir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
humble | adj 1. having, showing a modest opinion of os, rendah /hati, diri/, suka merendahkan diri: he remained ~ in spite of his success, dia tetap rendah hati walaupun sudah berjaya; 2. lowly, poor, hina, daif: I’m just a ~ fisherman, saya hanyalah nelayan yg hina; no task was too ~ for him, tdk ada pekerjaan yg terlalu hina baginya; of ~ /birth, origin, stock/, berketurunan rendah; 3. unpretentious, sederhana: ~ fare, makanan yg sederhana; my ~ home, rumah saya yg sederhana; 4. (indic an unassuming attitude, state of mind) dgn rendah hati: my ~ apologies, dgn rendah hati saya meminta maaf; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arm2 | ~ /os, so./ against, a. equip os, so. with weapons (as a defence) mempersenjatai /diri (sso), sso/ utk menentang, memperlengkapi /diri (sso), sso/ (dgn senjata) utk menentang: we must ~ ourselves against the enemy, kita harus mempersenjatai diri kita utk menentang musuh; b. provide os, so. with st that strengthens etc, memperlengkapi /diri (sso), sso/ thdp: to ~ os against communist propaganda, memperlengkapi diri sso thdp propaganda komunis; to ~ our people against the lowering of morals, memperlengkapi rakyat kita thdp kemerosotan akhlak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
eschew | vt (fml) , /menjauhkan, mengelakkan/ diri drpd: she has ~ed worldly pleasures, dia menjauhkan diri drpd kenikmatan duniawi; he vowed to ~ alcoholic drinks, dia bersumpah utk menjauhkan diri drpd minum arak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
identify | ~ os with, a. associate os with, mengaitkan diri sso dgn: they have identified themselves with the new political party, mereka telah mengaitkan diri mereka dgn parti politik yg baru itu; b. regard os as similar to, menganggap diri sso /sama, serupa/ dgn, mengidentifikasikan diri sso dgn: he identified himself with the character in the film, dia mengidentifikasikan dirinya dgn watak dlm filem itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hold 1 | d. keep at a distance, menjauhkan diri: she will always ~ off if men approach her, dia sentiasa menjauhkan diri apabila didekati lelaki; ~ /so., st/ off, a. ward off so., st, mempertahankan diri drpd /sso, sst/: our soldiers were able to ~ off the attack, askar-askar kami dapat mempertahankan diri drpd serangan itu; b. delay st, menangguhkan sst: the committee decided to ~ off their decision, jawatankuasa itu memutuskan utk menangguhkan keputusan mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aloof | adv; /keep, hold, stand/ ~ from, a. (suka) /mengasingkan, memencilkan, menyisihkan, menjauhkan/ diri drpd, (suka) menyendiri dr: she stood ~ from the crowd, dia mengasingkan diri drpd orang ramai; b. (fig.) /menjauhkan, menyisihkan/ diri drpd; (of buyer, investor, etc) tdk mahu berurus niaga: to keep ~ from politics, menjauhkan diri drpd politik; meanwhile investors are holding ~, dlm pd itu pelabur-pelabur tdk mahu berurus niaga. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
engage | ~ in, take part in, melibatkan diri dlm: she ~s in many social activities, dia melibatkan diri dlm banyak kegiatan sosial; ~ os in, a. >take part in (act.) melibatkan diri dlm; (pass.) terlibat dlm: he has been ~d in business for the past five years, dia terlibat dlm perniagaan sejak lima tahun yg lalu; b. (usu pass.) be busy with, sibuk: he’s ~d in writing his memoirs, dia sibuk menulis riwayat hidupnya: ~ so. in conversation, mengajak sso berbual; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
abstain | ~ from, refrain voluntarily from, a. (gen) menahan diri drpd: to ~ from comment, menahan diri drpd membuat ulasan; b. (food, drink) menjauhi, menahan diri drpd /(me)makan, (me)minum/; (for health or religious reasons) memantang(kan), berpantang /(me)makan, (me)minum/: to ~ from fatty foods, memantang makanan berlemak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | ~ out, a. escape, /melepaskan, melarikan/ diri, lepas lari: three convicts broke out of gaol, tiga orang banduan telah melepaskan diri dr penjara; the horses broke out through the stable wall, kuda-kuda itu melepaskan diri dgn merempuh dinding kandang; b. ( of rioting, cheering, argument, etc ) start abruptly, meletus; ( of fire ) mencetus; ( of epidemic ) mula /merebak, menular/: rioting broke out in the streets, rusuhan meletus di jalan-jalan raya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |