prayer | n 1. (request addressed to God or to object of worship) doa; (set ritual) sembahyang: my ~s were answered, doa saya telah dikabulkan; my dawn ~, sembahyang subuh saya; hasn’t got a ~, (colloq) tak ada can langsung: poor Alice!. She hasn’t got a ~ of passing the exam, kasihan Alice!. Dia tak ada can langsung lulus dlm peperiksaan itu; /say, offer / o’s ~s, berdoa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
invocation | n 1. prayer, doa; 2. incantation, mantera, jampi; 3. act of, a. (calling on God, deity for help, etc) berdoa kpd [Tuhan, dewa]; b. (appealing to a Muse for inspiration in poem) pemujaan, memuja: ~ to the Muses, memuja Dewi-Dewi Seni; c. (summoning spirit etc by incantation) penyeruan, menyeru. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
remission | n 1. forgiveness, pengampunan: the ~ of sins through prayer, pengampunan dosa melalui doa; 2. shortening of convict’s prison sentence, peringanan hukuman: he got two year’s ~ for good conduct, dia mendapat peringanan hukuman selama dua tahun krn berkelakuan baik; 3. release from penalty, obligation, etc, pelepasan: we applied for ~ of the tax, kami memohon pelepasan cukai; 4. lessening, peredaan, mereda: the storm continued without ~, ribut itu berterusan tanpa mereda; the drug brought about some ~ of the fever, ubat itu membawa keredaan kpd demam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exorcize, exorcise | vt 1. drive out, menghalau:to ~ the devil by prayers, menghalau hantu dgn doa; 2. get rid of (painful memory or feeling) melenyapkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spirit 1 | n 1. non-physical part of person, roh: many religions regard the body as a temporary home for the ~, banyak agama yg menganggap jasad sbg tempat sementara bagi roh; prayers to the ~s of the dead, doa utk roh-roh orang yg telah mati; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intercession | n 1. act of, a. (mediating) pengantaraan; b. (pleading with so. for so. else) perundingan; 2. prayer in favour of another, doa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blessing | n 1. act of asking God’s favour, /permohonan, memohon/ /rahmat, restu, berkat/; 2. favour bestowed by God, rahmat: may God’s ~ be upon you, moga-moga kamu dilimpahi rahmat Tuhan; 3. approval, restu; give o’s ~ to, merestui; have the ~ of, direstui: the project had the ~ of the government, projek itu direstui kerajaan; 4. short prayer before or after a meal, doa; ask a ~, berdoa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |