fable | n 1. story with moral, fabel /dongeng, cerita/ /ibarat, teladan/, cerita tamsilan: the ~ of the hare and the tortoise, dongeng teladan arnab dgn kura-kura; 2. legend, (cerita) dongeng, legenda; (about mythical characters) dongeng dewata: ~s of Greek gods and heroes, dongeng ttg dewa-dewa dan pahlawan-pahlawan Yunani; 3. myths and legends collectively, fabel; 4. false story or account, dongeng, rekaan: to separate fact from ~, memisahkan fakta drpd dongeng; all that story about him is a complete ~, segala cerita mengenainya itu ialah rekaan semata-mata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fabricated | adj concocted, dongeng, rekaan: a ~ account, kisah dongeng. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fabulous | adj 1. legendary, dongeng: the unicorn and other ~ beasts, unikorn dan binatang-binatang dongeng yg lain; 2. (fml) almost unbelievable, tdk terperi: she has ~ wealth, dia kaya tdk terperi; a woman of ~ beauty, seorang perempuan yg cantik tdk terperi; 3. marvellous, [various translations]: what a ~ view, hebat sungguh pemandangan di sini; I had a ~ time at the carnival, seronok betul saya di pesta ria itu; he has a ~ car, keretanya cantik betul. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
allure | cvt (act.) memikat, menggoda; (pass.) terpikat, tergoda, tertawan: fables of mermaids alluring sailors to destruction, cerita-cerita dongeng yg mengisahkan bagaimana ikan duyung memikat pelaut ke arah kemusnahan; to be ~d by promises, terpikat dgn janji-janji; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fairy story, fairy-tale | n 1. story about fairies, giants, etc, cerita pari-pari: Grimm’s Fairy Tales, Cerita Pari-Pari Grimm; 2. unbelievable, untrue story, cerita dongeng. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fabrication | n 1. act, process of fabricating, a. (bridge, building, etc) memasang siap; b. (story, statement, etc), (perbuatan) /mengada-adakan, mereka(-reka)/ : the ~ of evidence, perbuatan mengada-adakan keterangan; c. (document) pemalsuan: the ~ of travel documents, pemalsuan dokumen-dokumen perjalanan; 2. a. concoction, sst yg /diada-adakan, direka/, rekaan, dongeng: stories that can be dismissed as ~s, cerita-cerita yg dapat dianggap sbg rekaan semata-mata; b. forgery, (sst yg) palsu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
adapt | vt 1. adjust, menyesuaikan: she could not ~ herself to life in the city, dia tdk dapat menyesuaikan dirinya dgn kehidupan di kota; the symphony has been ~ed for the piano, simfoni itu telah disesuaikan utk piano; 2. make suitable (play, novel, etc) memadankan, mengadaptasikan, menyesuaikan; (to a new setting) menyadur: novels ~ed for television, novel-novel yg dipadankan utk tayangan di televisyen; a story written in Malay and ~ed from Aesop’s Fables, cerita yg ditulis dlm bahasa Melayu dan disadur drpd Dongeng Aesop; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |