anachronism | n 1. error in chronology, anakronisme: Shakespeare’s plays contain many ~s, drama-drama Shakespeare mengandungi banyak anakronisme; 2. so., st, out of harmony with the time, ketinggalan (zaman): she is a living ~ in this age of progress, dia ketinggalan dlm zaman yg serba maju ini; the plough now seems an ~, bajak sudah ketinggalan zaman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drama | n 1. play, drama, lakon; 2. (as a branch of literature) drama; 3. series of exciting events, drama: the television cameras recorded the ~ of the shoot-out, kamera televisyen merakamkan drama tembak-menembak itu; her life has been full of ~, hidupnya penuh dgn drama; 4. the art or work connected with the writing and production of plays, (seni) drama: ~ school, sekolah drama; a ~ student, penuntut seni drama. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dramatic | adj 1. connected with drama or the theatre, drama: a ~ society, persatuan drama; the ~ works of the 50’s, karya-karya drama tahun 50-an; 2. exciting, sudden, impressive, (secara) dramatik: there has been a ~ change in the political situation, terdapat perubahan yg dramatik dlm situasi politik; contrary to expectations, the patient made a ~ recovery, bertentangan dgn apa yg dijangka, pesakit itu pulih secara dramatik; 3. theatrical, (secara, dgn) dramatik; (of person) suka berdrama, dramatik: she made her ~ entrance in a stunning silk designer gown, dia masuk secara dramatik dgn memakai gaun sutera pereka fesyen yg mengagumkan; he paused, then threw up his hands in a ~ gesture, dia berhenti sejenak, kemudian mengangkat tangannya dgn gerak isyarat yg dramatik; is he always this ~?, adakah dia selalu suka berdrama begini?. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cerebral | adj 1. of the brain, serebrum, otak: ~ haemorrhage, perdarahan serebrum; 2. appealing to the intellect, berunsur intelektual: ~ drama, drama yg berunsur intelektual. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
early | adj & adv 1. near to the beginning of, awal: in the ~ part of this century, pd awal abad ini; ~ in September, pd awal bulan September; in ~ spring, pd awal musim bunga; in the ~ fifties, pd awal tahun-tahun lima puluhan; ~ in the morning, pagi-pagi (lagi); 2. among the first, awal:Shakespeare’s ~ plays, drama-drama awal Shakespeare; the ~ Malay novelists, novelis-novelis awal Melayu; ~ Christians, penganut-penganut awal agama Kristian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
form | 3. establish, menubuhkan, membentuk: after the split, a new party was ~ed, selepas perpecahan itu sebuah parti baru ditubuhkan; they ~ed a new drama group, mereka membentuk kumpulan drama yg baru; 4. constitute, merupakan: law and economics ~ part of the course, undang-undang dan ekonomi merupakan sebahagian drpd kursus itu; undergraduates ~ed the bulk of his audience, mahasiswa merupakan sebahagian besar drpd pendengarnya; 5. (always pass.) make up, terdiri: the verse is ~ed of four lines, rangkap itu terdiri drpd empat larik; 6. develop, membentuk: to ~ good habits, membentuk tabiat baik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dance-drama | n taridra. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
costume | ~ /play, drama/, purbawara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dramatist | n dramatis, penulis drama, dramawan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
climactic | adj kemuncak; (in drama, novel, etc) klimaks. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |