agony | ~ column, ruangan duka; (be in) an ~ of despair, dlm keadaan putus /asa, harapan/; (be in) an ~ of doubt, (dlm) keadaan serba salah; ~ of mind, keseksaan /jiwa, batin/; (be in) an ~ of remorse, /(rasa) sesal, penyesalan/ yg amat sangat; death ~, nazak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
joy | ~s and sorrows, suka duka; to so’s ~, to the ~ of so., sso berasa gembira: to his ~ he won the first prize, dia berasa gembira apabila memenangi tempat pertama; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fill | tears ~ed her eyes, air matanya bergenang, matanya /bergenang, digenangi/ air mata; sorrow ~s so’s heart, /sso, hati sso/ dirundung duka; 3. occupy (time) mengisi: how do you ~ your time these days?, bagaimanakah kamu mengisi waktumu sekarang?; 4. satisfy, memenuhi: we regret that we are unable to ~ your requirements, kami kesal krn tdk dapat memenuhi keperluan tuan; ~ the bill, memenuhi keperluan; 5. a. seal, memalam, menampal: he ~ed the crack with cement, dia memalam rekahan itu dgn simen; b. block (with sand, earth, stones, etc) menimbus, mengambus: the workmen ~ed the gaping hole with rocks, pekerja-pekerja itu mengambus lubang yg menganga itu dgn batu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
abandon | ~ os to despair, ~ hope, berputus asa; ~ os to o’s fate, /berserah, menyerah/ kpd nasib; ~ os to /grief, sorrow/, membiarkan diri dilanda /duka, kesedihan/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bow1 | ~ down with; be ~ed down with st, a. melentur: the tree was ~ed down with the weight of its fruit, pokok itu melentur krn berat buahnya; b. (fig.) dibebani: he was ~ed down with grief, dia dibebani rasa duka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
engulf | ~ in; be ~ed in, a. ditelan: the whole house was ~ed in flames, seluruh rumah itu ditelan api; b. (fig.) dilanda; (silence, grief, etc) diselubungi: she was ~ed in grief on the death of her mother, dia diselubungi duka krn kematian ibunya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
improbable | adj (not likely to be true) sukar diterima akal, tdk /dapat dipercayai, berapa munasabah/; (not likely to happen) tdk mungkin: it is ~ that he managed to jump across to the other side, sukar diterima akal bahawa dia dapat melompat ke seberang sana; an ~ tale of woe, kisah duka yg sukar diterima akal; she might decide to marry him one day, but it’s quite ~, boleh jadi dia akan membuat eputusan utk berkahwin dgn lelaki itu suatu hari nanti, tetapi itu tdk mungkin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heal | vt 1. cure, mend, a. (person) menyembuhkan, memulihkan: he believes he can ~ people by his incantations, dia percaya dia boleh menyembuhkan orang dgn jampi serapahnya; b. (wound, cut, etc) menyembuhkan: this ointment will ~ the burn quickly, salap ini boleh menyembuhkan bahagian yg terbakar itu dgn cepat; c. (broken bone) menautkan semula; 2. (fig.) memulihkan; (sorrow, grief, etc) mengubati: to ~ the broken friendship, memulihkan persahabatan yg terputus; time ~s all sorrows, masa mengubati segala duka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |