blatant | adj glaringly obvious, terang-terangan: a ~ lie, dusta yg terang-terangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
absolute | 4. outright, unmitigated, a. (of lie, nonsense, etc) sama sekali, semata-mata: an ~ lie, dusta semata-mata; b. (of person) benar-benar, betul-betul: an ~ idiot, benar-benar tolol; 5. perfect in quality or nature, sempurna, tdk bercela: ~ beauty, kecantikan yg sempurna; 6. (tech) mutlak: ~ pressure, tekanan mutlak; ~ density, ketumpatan mutlak; ~ cost, kos mutlak; ~ volume, isi padu mutlak; in ~ terms, secara mutlak: prices remained the same in ~ terms but increased by 5% relatively, harga-harga tetap sama secara mutlak, tetapi naik dgn 5% secara relatif. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
falsehood | n 1. untruthfulness, kepalsuan: to distinguish truth from ~, membezakan kebenaran drpd kepalsuan; 2. lie, dusta; /tell, utter/ ~, berbohong, berdusta; 3. lying, pembohongan, pendustaan, berbohong, berdusta. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
falsely | adv 1. incorrectly, (dgn) salah: he has ~ translated the article, dia telah salah menterjemahkan artikel itu; 2. untruthfully, dusta, bohong: to speak ~, bercakap bohong. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deliberate | adj 1. intentional, disengajakan, sengaja /dibuat, dilakukan/: a ~ attempt to upset the plan, percubaan yg sengaja dilakukan utk merosakkan rancangan itu; the ~ use of four-letter words, penggunaan kata-kata lucah yg disengajakan; a ~ lie, dusta yg disengajakan; 2. careful, unhurried, perlahan-lahan: a politician should be ~ in his speech, ahli politik harus berucap perlahan-lahan; to walk with ~ steps, berjalan perlahan-lahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bald | adj 1. without hair (ref to person, head) botak; 2. without feathers, fur, tdk berbulu: there is a ~ spot on the animal’s back, ada tompok tdk berbulu pd belakang binatang itu; 3. without trees etc, gondol: a ~ mountain, gunung yg gondol; 4. not covered with grass, tdk berumput: ~ patches on the field, tompok-tompok tdk berumput di padang; 5. without leaves, gondol: ~ trees, pokok-pokok yg gondol; 6. (of tyre) botak, tdk berbunga, licin; 7. plain, sahaja, hanya ... sahaja: a ~ statement of fact, hanya pernyataan fakta sahaja; 8. blatant, terang-terangan, tdk berselindung-selindung: a ~ lie, dusta yg terang-terangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |