come | ~ before, a. precede, mendahului: D ~s before E and after E ~s F, D mendahului E dan selepas E, F; b. appear before court of law, dibawa ke hadapan: to ~ before the judge, dibawa ke hadapan hakim; c. (of claim, matter, etc) be presented for consideration etc, dibawa ke: your case will ~ before the tribunal this week, kes kamu akan dibawa ke tribunal itu minggu ini; d. have a higher rank, lebih tinggi drpd: admirals ~ before captains, pangkat admiral lebih tinggi drpd pangkat kapten; e. be of greater importance than, lebih penting drpd: the building of low-cost houses must ~ before the building of luxurious apartments, pembinaan rumah kos rendah lebih penting drpd pembinaan pangsapuri mewah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
e’er | adv see EVER. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
e’en | adv see EVEN. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accent | vt 1. menekankan, mengaksenkan; 2. mark with accent, membubuh tanda /aksen, tekanan (bunyi)/ pd: the first "e" should be ~ed, tanda aksen hendaklah dibubuh pd huruf "e" yg pertama; 3. see ACCENTUATE (sense 2.); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
judg (e)ment | b. pass sentence, menjatuhkan hukuman; sit in ~ /on, over/ so., mengadili sso: I have no right to sit in ~ over you as I would probably have reacted in the same way, saya tdk berhak mengadili kamu krn mungkin saya sendiri akan bertindak balas dgn cara yg sama. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
judg (e)ment | against o’s better ~, (walaupun) sso merasakan sst tdk wajar: I agreed to sell the shares, against my better ~, saya bersetuju menjual saham itu walaupun saya merasakan perbuatan itu tdk wajar; in my ~, my personal ~ is that, /pd, menurut/ pendapat saya: in my ~, the man is a traitor, pd pendapat saya, dia pembelot; of /good, poor/ ~, /dapat membuat, tdk dapat membuat/ pertimbangan yg baik: a man of good ~, lelaki yg dapat membuat pertimbangan yg baik; pass ~, a. give opinion about st, esp a critical one, membuat anggapan: how can you pass ~ when you haven’t got the facts?, bagaimana kamu membuat anggapan sedangkan kamu tdk ada faktanya?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
judg (e)ment | by a judge or court, keputusan (hakim, mahkamah): the ~ was in favour of the plaintiff, keputusan hakim itu memihak kpd plaintif; 4. criticism, kritikan; 5. (as sign of divine displeasure) balasan Tuhan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
judg (e)ment | n 1. ability to make decisions, form an opinion, pertimbangan: we will have to rely on his ~ in this particular case, kita terpaksa bergantung pd pertimbangannya dlm hal ini; an error of ~, kesilapan dlm membuat pertimbangan; you will have to use your own ~ to tackle the problem, kamu mestilah menggunakan pertimbangan sendiri utk memecahkan masalah itu; 2. opinion, pertimbangan: I cannot form a ~ without the facts, saya tdk dapat membuat pertimbangan tanpa fakta-faktanya; 3. decision made | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jessamin (e) | n see JASMINE. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jasmin (e) | n melur, melati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |