fantail | n 1. fan-shaped tail, ekor kipas; 2. (flycatcher ) sambar; 3. broad-tailed pigeon, (burung) merpati ekor kembang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
corner | in a tight ~, dlm keadaan terdesak; /look, glance/ at so. out of the ~ of o’s eye, mengerling (dr /sudut, ekor/ mata); make a ~ in, memonopoli pasaran; out of the ~ of o’s eye, dr /sudut, ekor/ mata: I noticed out of the ~ of my eye that someone had entered the room, dr sudut mata, saya ternampak ada orang masuk ke bilik itu; the four ~s of the /earth, world/, seluruh /ceruk rantau, pelosok dunia/; turn the ~, (after an illness, crisis, etc), (approp n +) pulih: he had been ill for a long time, but turned the ~ after the operation, dia sudah lama sakit, tetapi keadaannya pulih selepas pembedahan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
impedimenta | n (fml) baggage, travelling equipment, supplies etc, kelengkapan; (humorous) barang(-barang): supply trucks loaded with ~, trak bekalan yg sarat dgn kelengkapan; he brought along his wife, two cats, three goats and various other ~, dia membawa isterinya, dua ekor kucing, tiga ekor kambing dan pelbagai barang lain. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bitter end | n (naut) ekor rantai sauh; to the ~, (hingga) habis-habisan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crupper | n 1. (of saddle) ambin ekor; 2. (of horse) buntut (kuda). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bobtail | n 1. short, docked tail, ekor /kontot, kompot/; 2. dog, horse with such a tail, /anjing, kuda/ yg berekor /kontot, kompot/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chick | n 1. young of any bird, anak, anak + equivalent for parent bird: two ~s nestling in the nest, dua ekor anak murai [anak merpati, anak kenari, as approp] dlm sarangnya; a sparrow feeding its ~s, burung pipit sedang memberi anaknya makan; three lost ~s looking for their mother, tiga ekor anak ayam yg sesat sedang mencari ibunya; 2. (sl) young woman, si genit, si manis. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lash1 | vi move limb, tail, etc suddenly, melibas-libas: the cat’s tail ~ed back and forth, ekor kucing itu melibas-libas ke kiri dan kanan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
enter | 4. register, mendaftarkan: he has ~ed two horses for the competition, dia mendaftarkan dua ekor kuda dlm pertandingan itu; 5. take part in, participate, menyertai, masuk bertanding: she ~ed all the races in her group, dia menyertai semua perlumbaan dlm kumpulannya; 6. make record of, memasukkan, mencatat: she ~ed the appointment in her diary, dia mencatat janji temu itu ke dlm buku hariannya; to ~ all transactions, mencatat semua urusniaga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dock2 | 1. cut short, memotong kontot: to ~ the horse’s tail, memotong kontot ekor kuda; 2. deduct, memotong: they ~ed his pocket money to discourage him from smoking, mereka memotong wang sakunya utk menghalangnya drpd merokok; to ~ supplies, memotong bekalan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |