cloth | n 1. material, kain: four yards of ~, empat ela kain; to polish with a soft ~, menggilap dgn kain lembut;2. the clergy, golongan paderi: to show respect for the ~, menghormati golongan paderi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lead 1 | give a ~, memberikan petunjuk: I hope you can give me a ~ as to how to act, saya berharap kamu dapat memberikan petunjuk bagaimana saya harus bertindak; have a ~, mendahului yg lain: he had a ~ of several yards when he fell, ketika dia jatuh, dia telah pun mendahului yg lain sejauh beberapa ela; in the ~, mendahului yg lain: in the earlier part of the race, she was in the ~, pd permulaan perlumbaan itu, dia mendahului yg lain; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
by | 9. (indic basis of calculation, reckoning, measurement, etc) mengikut, /berasaskan, berdasarkan/ kiraan: she is paid ~ the hour, dia dibayar mengikut jam; beef is sold ~ the kilo, daging dijual mengikut kilo; cloth is now sold ~ the metre and not ~ the yard, kain kini dijual berasaskan kiraan meter dan tdk lagi mengikut kiraan ela; 10. (in oaths) invoking the name of, dgn nama: to swear ~ Almighty God, bersumpah dgn nama Tuhan Yang Maha Besar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fit1 | adj 1. (suitable, appropriate) sesuai; (competent, worthy) layak: the water is not ~ to drink, air itu tdk sesuai utk diminum; he is ~ for the position, dia sesuai utk jawatan itu; this is not a ~ time to talk about the matter, ini bukan masa yg sesuai utk bercakap ttg perkara itu; do you think he is ~ to teach the Sixth Form?, kamu rasa dia layak utk mengajar Tingkatan Enam?; 2. in good health, sihat; (foll by infin) cukup sihat: he is not ~ at the moment: he can’t walk a hundred yards without getting out of breath, dia tdk sihat pd masa ini: berjalan seratus ela pun dia mengah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |