elite | n (golongan) elit: the ruling ~, elit pemerintah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hit | 3. verbal blow, sindiran: the remarks were a ~ at the elite, kata-kata itu merupakan sindiran thdp golongan elit; 4. a success, (approp n +) /kegemaran ramai, kesukaan ramai, popular/: the new fashion was an immediate ~ with the teenagers, fesyen baru itu menjadi popular di kalangan muda-mudi; “La Bamba” is quite a ~ with young and old, “La Bamba” merupakan lagu kegemaran ramai di kalangan tua muda; make a ~ with, dikagumi: the singer made a ~ with the audience, penyanyi itu dikagumi para penonton; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
external | n 1. (colloq) external examiner, pemeriksa luar; 2. (in pl), (fml) outward features, yg /lahir, zahir/: the so-called elite who are concerned only with ~s, kaum yg dikatakan elit yg hanya memberi perhatian pd yg lahir sahaja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cater | vi; ~ for, a. provide meals for, /menyajikan, menyediakan/ makanan utk: to ~ for a big wedding, menyediakan makanan utk majlis perkahwinan yg besar; b. satisfy, memenuhi: the programme ~s for all tastes, acara itu memenuhi setiap cita rasa; c. serve the needs of, memenuhi keperluan: a club which ~s for the elite, kelab yg memenuhi keperluan golongan elit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cream | n 1. fatty part of milk, krim; (of coconut) pati santan: butter is made from ~, mentega dibuat drpd krim; whipped ~, krim putar; 2. containing fatty part of milk, berkrim: ~ cakes, kek berkrim; 3. creamlike substance, krim: face ~, krim muka; 4. best part, (approp n) + yg terbaik; (of story, joke) intisari: this class is the ~ of the school, kelas ini ialah yg terbaik di sekolah ini; the ~ of society, golongan elit; 5. (colour), (warna) putih kuning; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |