desirable | adj 1. advisable, expedient, elok: a common language for all is ~, elok mempunyai satu bahasa utk semua; his presence today is ~ but not essential, elok dia hadir pd hari ini sungguhpun tdk perlu; it is ~ that you should pay in cash, elok sekiranya tuan bayar tunai; 2. sought after, wished for, menjadi idaman: this ~ residence is for sale, kediaman yg menjadi idaman ini adalah utk dijual; one of the city’s ~ suburbs, salah satu kawasan pinggir kota yg menjadi idaman; 3. exciting desire, menggiurkan, menghairahkan, memberahikan: a beautiful and ~ woman, wanita yg cantik dan menggiurkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
improper | adj 1. inappropriate, unfit, tdk /sopan, elok/; (with infin) tdk elok: such behaviour would be considered ~ by your grandmother, perangai begitu dianggap tdk sopan oleh nenek kamu; it would be ~ for you to suggest such a thing, tdk elok kamu mencadangkan perkara spt itu; 2. inaccurate, incorrect, salah: the word is often used in an ~ sense, perkataan itu selalunya digunakan dlm pengertian yg salah; an ~ diagnosis, diagnosis yg salah; ~ use of (funds etc) menyalahgunakan (wang dsb); 3. indecent, indelicate, tdk senonoh: the man made an ~ suggestion to her, lelaki itu membuat cadangan yg tdk senonoh kepadanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dress | ~ up, a. dress formally, elaborately, memakai /pakaian, baju/ yg elok: must we ~ up for dinner?, mestikah kita memakai pakaian yg elok utk makan malam?; b. put on costume for masquerade, berpakaian: to ~ up as a shogun, berpakaian spt syogun; c. disguise, menyamar: the prisoners ~ed up as guards to escape, banduan-banduan itu menyamar sbg pengawal utk melepaskan diri; ~ os up, memakai pakaian yg elok; ~ so. up, memakaikan sso pakaian yg elok; (be) ~ed (up) to kill, (colloq) memakai pakaian yg mengancam; ~ st up, make facts, argument, statement, etc, seem better, different, more interesting, membungai sst; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
good | 11. thorough, complete, betul-betul; (of cry, laugh) sepuas-puasnya, puas-puas; (of beating, thrashing), (dgn) teruk: he took ~ care not to offend anyone, dia memastikan betul-betul bahawa dia tdk menyinggung perasaan sesiapa pun; take a ~ look at the picture, lihat lukisan itu betul-betul; after he left, we had a ~ laugh, selepas dia pergi kami ketawa sepuas-puasnya; the home team suffered a ~ beating, pasukan tuan rumah kalah teruk; take ~ care of /so., st/, menjaga /sso, sst/ /baik-baik, elok-elok, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fine1 | adv 1. (colloq) quite well, elok, baik: he’s going away for a week and that suits me ~, dia akan pergi selama seminggu dan ini elok bagi saya; 2. finely, halus-halus: cut up the vegetables very ~, potong sayur itu halus-halus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
for | 3. affecting (in stated way) untuk, bagi: exercise is good ~ you, senaman elok untukmu; the scandal will be bad ~ the company’s reputation, skandal itu tdk elok untuk nama baik syarikat; 4. in the direction of, ke, menuju ke: the ship is bound ~ China, kapal itu menuju ke negeri China; passengers ~ Kota Kinabalu, penumpang-penumpang ke Kota Kinabalu; hundreds of thousands of war victims fled their villages for the US, beratus-ratus ribu mangsa perang meninggalkan kampung halaman menuju ke AS; 5. over span of, a. (time) selama, buat, untuk; (when length of time is specified) selama: ~ several minutes, buat beberapa minit; ~ many years, selama bertahun-tahun; waited ~ half an hour, menunggu selama setengah jam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fine1 | 7. (of weather) baik, elok, bagus: if the weather is ~ on Sunday we’ll go to Port Dickson, jika cuaca baik pd hari Ahad, kita akan ke Port Dickson; tomorrow we expect the day to be ~ but cold, besok kami jangka harinya baik tetapi sejuk; 8. in good health, baik, sihat; (in answer to greeting) baik, bagus: take this medicine and you’ll soon be ~, makan ubat ini dan kamu akan menjadi sihat; “How are you?” “F~, thank you”, “Apa khabar?” “Baik”; 9. a. satisfactory, elok: “Would you like more sugar?” “No, it’s ~”, “Hendak tambah gula?” “Tak, ini sudah elok”; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
good | b. (of food, taste, smell) sedap, enak: this soup tastes ~, sup ini sedap rasanya; c. (of fire) menyala dgn /baik, elok/; d. (of view) dgn /jelas, terang/: we have a ~ view of the harbour, kita dapat melihat pelabuhan itu dgn jelas; 2. not decayed, broken, damaged, etc, baik, elok, bagus; (of teeth) sihat, kuat: is the meat still ~?, daging ini masih elok?; ~ eyesight, penglihatan yg baik; 3. virtuous, morally admirable, baik: a ~, pious woman, perempuan yg baik dan alim; do a ~ deed, berbuat /amal, baik/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
amiss | adv wrongly, salah: if you think he will not retaliate you have judged him ~, jika kamu menganggap dia tdk akan membalas, pertimbangan kamu itu salah; not /come, go/ ~, elok: a cup of tea would not come ~, elok kalau dapat minum secawan teh; take st ~, ambil hati thdp sst: please don’t take his comments ~, harap jangan ambil hati thdp kata-katanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
advisable | adj bijak, lebih /baik, elok/; (attrib) bijak: such a course of action would not be ~, tindakan sedemikian tdk bijak; he considered it ~ to keep the matter secret, dia menganggap lebih baik perkara itu dirahsiakan sahaja; an ~ decision, keputusan yg bijak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |