ember | n (usu in pl) 1. glowing piece of coal, wood in dying fire, bara (api): to cook potatoes in the ~s, membakar kentang di atas bara; flying ~s, bara api yg terpercik; 2. fading remains of a past emotion, bara: to fan the ~s of his dying love, menyemarakkan semula bara percintaannya yg hampir padam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
scorch | an ember had fallen out of the fire and ~ed the carpet, seketul bara tercampak dr perapian dan menyebabkan permaidani itu terbakar; the fire was too hot and he ~ed the steaks, disebabkan api terlalu panas, stik itu hangus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
coal | n 1. (mineral) batu arang: ~ - seam, lapisan batu arang; ~ - mine, lombong batu arang; 2. half-burnt fuel, ember, bara: he grilled a piece of steak over the glowing ~s, dia memanggang sekeping stik di atas bara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
live 2 | adj 1. alive, living, hidup: ~ snakes, ular-ular hidup; 2. not yet exploded, hidup: ~ bombs, bom-bom hidup; 3. (of coal, ember, etc) glowing or burning, hidup; 4. (of show, performance) di hadapan penonton, secara langsung: I attended Anita Sarawak’s first ~ performance, saya menghadiri persembahan Anita Sarawak yg pertama di hadapan penonton; 5. (of a broadcast) transmitted while actually happening, secara /langsung, terus/: a ~ coverage of the Miss Universe constest, liputan secara terus pertandingan Miss Universe; 6. (of wire, electrical equipment, etc) charged with electricity, hidup: a ~ circuit, litar hidup; 7. of current interest, hangat: the nuclear threat is still very much a ~ issue, ancaman nuklear masih menjadi isu hangat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |