capacity | ~ /audience, crowd/, /para penonton, orang ramai/ yg penuh sesak; be filled to ~, penuh padat, penuh, padat: the hall was filled to ~, dewan itu penuh padat; fill st to ~, memenuhi sst: the rain filled the dams to ~, hujan memenuhi empangan-empangan; seating ~, jumlah tempat duduk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dam1 | n 1. barrier constructed to impound water, empang(an), pengempang, tambak, tebat, bendung(an); (as proper n) Empangan: the Aswan D~, Empangan Aswan; 2. (constructed by beaver) empang; 3. water so impounded, empangan: swimming in the ~ is prohibited, dilarang berenang di empangan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alluvial | adj aluvium, lanar: ~ dam, empangan aluvium; ~ tin, timah lanar; ~ plain, dataran aluvium; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
coffer-dam | n water-tight box which allows people to work under water, empangan kekotak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
seep | water was ~ing out through the cracks in the wall of the dam, air meresap keluar melalui rekahan-rekahan pd tembok empangan itu;the rain ~ed into the ground, air hujan meresap ke dlm tanah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fall | 9. decrease in amount, value, etc, penurunan: a ~ in the level of water in the dam, penurunan paras air di empangan itu; a ~ in land prices is anticipated, penurunan harga tanah diduga; a sharp ~ in the number of tourists visiting the country, penurunan yg meruncing dlm bilangan pelancong yg melawat negara itu; 10. (of town, city) penawanan; 11. collapse, kejatuhan: the ~ of the Roman Empire, kejatuhan Empayar Rom; 12. number of animals at birth, sekali lahir: a good ~ of lambs, banyak biri-biri sekali lahir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
back | ~ up, a. accumulate behind obstruction, naik: the water ~ed up behind the dam and flooded the valley, air naik di empangan dan membanjiri lembah itu; b. (US) form queue, tertahan: vehicles were ~ed up for miles on the highway, kenderaan tertahan berbatu-batu panjangnya di lebuh raya itu; c. (US) go up backwards, /(ber)undur, mundur, mengundur/ naik; ~ so. up, see vt (sense 2.); ~ st up, see vt (sense 3.); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sink | 3. subside, a. (of water) surut: the water in the dam had sunk even lower, air dlm empangan telah surut ke paras yg lebih rendah; b. (of building, foundation, earth, etc) mendap: the foundations of the house are ~ing at one corner, tapak rumah itu mendap di suatu sudut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hold 1 | 4. often ~ st back, keep back flow of, membendung, menahan: the dam could not ~ the water, empangan itu tdk dapat membendung air; she could not ~ back her tears, dia tdk dapat menahan air matanya; policemen linked arms to ~ back the crowd, polis merangkaikan tangan utk membendung orang ramai; 5. support, sustain, menampung: the wall could not ~ the weight of the roof, tembok itu tdk dapat menampung berat bumbung itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
burst | vi 1. break open, apart, into pieces, etc, pecah: that bag is ~ing, beg itu hendak pecah; the dam ~ during the floods, empangan itu pecah semasa banjir; the pain will ease when the abscess ~s, kesakitan itu akan mereda setelah bisul itu pecah; the bubble ~ in the air, gelembung itu pecah di udara; 2. explode, meletup: one of the tyres ~, salah satu drpd tayar itu meletup; 3. also ~ open, (of leaf, flower bud) mengembang, memekar: in spring the flower buds ~ open, kudup-kudup bunga memekar dlm musim bunga; 4. also ~ out, come forth forcefully, tercetus keluar: the words ~ from his mouth, kata-kata itu tercetus keluar dr mulutnya; let o’s anger ~ out, melepaskan kemarahan sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |