besiege | vt 1. lay siege to, mengepung: the town was ~d for six months, bandar itu dikepung selama enam bulan; 2. crowd round, mengerumuni: the new President was ~d by journalists, Presiden baru itu dikerumuni wartawan; football fans besieging the ticket booth, peminat-peminat bola sepak yg mengerumuni pondok tiket; 3. overwhelm (with requests etc) menghujani: the reporters ~d him with questions, pemberita-pemberita itu menghujaninya dgn pertanyaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
foreshadow | vt membayangkan: the changes in foreign policy had already been ~ed in the Loxton report six months earlier, perubahan-perubahan dasar luar negeri telah dibayangkan dlm laporan Loxton enam bulan sebelumnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
it | iii. (as obj of pass. verb), [repeat noun it replaces]: the dispute continued for over six months before ~ was finally settled, pertikaian itu berlarutan lebih drpd enam bulan sebelum pertikaian itu selesai; c. (ref to child, baby, whose sex is unknown or considered not important in rel to what one wants to say) i. (used in a clause) dia, ia, [or not translated]; (with words like “hope”, “wish”, “think”, etc), [replace noun it refers to with another noun]; (with words ref to physical attributes). nya; (used with Malay pass. verb) -nya: the stages that every child must go through as ~ grows up, peringkat-peringkat yg mesti dilalui oleh setiap kanak-kanak semasa dia membesar or semasa membesar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
keep | b. not eat, drink, smoke, etc, tdk + approp v; (imper or in statement prohibiting st) jangan + approp v: he kept off cigarettes for six months, dia tdk merokok selama enam bulan; the doctor advised Jack to ~ off alcoh | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
in | 8. for stated length of time, dalam: this is the first time ~ six months that we’ve had a chance to talk, inilah ali pertama dalam masa enam bulan ami dapat berbual-bual; ~ /days, months, years, etc/, berhari-hari, berbulan-bulan, bertahun-tahun, dll/; 9. (indic circumstance, state) dalam: she died ~ an accident, dia meninggal dalam kemalangan; while ~ exile..., semasa dalam buangan...; he was ~ pain after the operation, dia dalam kesakitan selepas pembedahan itu; the patient is ~ a coma, pesakit itu dalam keadaan koma; the house is ~ good repair, rumah itu dalam keadaan baik; are you ~ love?, kamu dalam percintaan?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arrears, arrearage | n tunggakan: ~ of taxes, tunggakan cukai; ~ of wages, tunggakan gaji; ~ of work, tunggakan kerja; ~ of correspondence, tunggakan surat-menyurat; be in ~, tertunggak: the rent was six months in ~, sewanya tertunggak enam bulan; be in ~ with (st), menunggak (sst): he is two months in ~ with his payments, dia menunggak bayaran ansurannya selama dua bulan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grapple | vi 1. bergelut, bergomol: he ~d with the burglar in the dark, dia bergelut dgn pencuri itu dlm gelap; 2. (fig.) bergelut: they have been grappling with the problem for the past six months, mereka telah bergelut dgn masalah itu sejak enam bulan yg lalu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
empty | adj 1. containing nothing, kosong: there are several ~ boxes outside, ada beberapa kotak kosong di luar; my purse is ~, beg duit saya kosong; 2. destitute of people or human activity, lengang: the street was ~ at night, jalan itu lengang pd waktu malam; 3. carrying no load, passengers, etc, kosong: an ~ wagon, gerabak kosong; 4. vacant, unoccupied, kosong: the house has been ~ for six months, rumah itu telah kosong selama enam bulan;5. without effect, force, significance, kosong; (of pleasure) tanpa /erti, makna/: ~ promises, janji-janji kosong; an ~ dream, impian kosong; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clear | ~ off, (colloq) berlari; (imper) pergi: when he saw the angry farmer, he ~ed off as fast as he could, apabila dia ternampak petani yg sedang marah itu, dia cepat-cepat berlari dr situ; “C~ off!” he shouted, “Pergi!” dia bertempik; ~ st off, a. finish st, menyelesaikan sst: to ~ off the pile of work that had accumulated, menyelesaikan kerja yg telah bertimbun; b. pay (debt) /melunaskan, melangsaikan, membayar/ sst: it took him six years to ~ off his debts, dia mengambil masa enam bulan utk melunaskan hutang-piutangnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
complete | vt 1. make whole, melengkapi: I need one volume to ~ my set of Shakespeare’s plays, saya memerlukan satu jilid lagi utk melengkapi set buku drama Shakespeare saya; 2. make perfect, membuat sempurna: his presence ~d her happiness, kehadirannya membuat kegembiraan wanita itu sempurna; 3. a. finish doing, producing, making, (act.) menyiapkan, menyelesaikan; (pass.) siap, selesai: work on the tunnel will be ~d soon, kerja membina terowong itu akan siap tdk lama lagi; b. finish attending, serving, tamat + approp v: she has just ~d a six-month secretarial course, dia baru saja tamat mengikuti kursus kesetiausahaan selama enam bulan; 4. fill in, melengkapkan: to ~ a questionnaire, melengkapkan soal selidik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |