first | adv 1. before others, (yg) pertama: George recovered ~, Georgelah yg pertama sembuh; 2. before doing something else, (at beginning of sentence) pertama, lebih /dahulu, dulu/; (elsewhere in sentence), (lebih) /dahulu, dulu/: ~, I would like to discuss Safiah’s proposal, lebih dahulu saya ingin membincangkan syor Safiah; ~ you must renew your passport and then you must apply for a visa, pertama, encik mesti membarui pasport encik dan kemudian encik mesti memohon visa; I want to go to France next month but I’ll have to apply for a visa ~, saya ingin ke negeri Perancis bulan hadapan tetapi saya mesti memohon visa dahulu; let me finish my cigarette ~ and then we can go, biar saya habiskan rokok ini dulu dan selepas itu kita pergi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
girl | isn’t that Mr. Smith’s ~?, bukankah itu anak perempuan Encik Smith?; 6. (in pl) group of women, kawan-kawan perempuan: it’s her night out with the ~s, malam ini ialah malam dia keluar dgn kawan-kawan perempuannya; 7. female worker, wanita yg bekerja di: office ~s are very fashionable, wanita-wanita yg bekerja di pejabat gemar berfesyen. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lady | ~ of the house, tuan rumah; my ~, cik puan, mak encik: what would my ~ like for tea?, cik puan hendak apa utk minum petang?. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
just | ~ before reaching adolescence, sebelum mencapai peringkat umur remaja; the parcel ~ arrived before Saint Valentine’s Day, bungkusan itu sampai menjelang Hari Valentine; ~ as, a. at exactly the same time as, sebaik saja: the door bell rang ~ as we were about to go to bed, loceng pintu berbunyi sebaik saja kami hendak masuk tidur; b. exactly as, seperti (mana): they left everything ~ as they found it, mereka membiarkan barang-barang itu seperti yg dijumpai oleh mereka; ~, seperti, [sometimes se + approp adj]: he’s ~ as good-looking as I imagined him to be, dia tampan seperti or setampan yg saya bayangkan; ~ a /minute, moment, second/, a. (said when asking so. to wait a short while), (tuan, encik, dll boleh) tunggu /sebentar, sekejap/: “what room is Mr Jumaat in?” “J ~ a minute, 208, sir”, “berapakah nombor bilik Encik Jumaat?” “Encik boleh tunggu 208, encik”; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arrange | ~ for, mengurus: to ~ for a taxi, mengurus penempahan teksi; I have ~d for you to be sent straight to my office, saya telah mengurus supaya encik dihantar terus ke pejabat saya; ~ st for, a. make plans for, /mengatur, mengurus/ sst: he has ~d additional classes for them, dia telah mengurus kelas tambahan utk mereka; b. see vt (sense 4.); c. see vt (sense 5.); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fort | n kubu, kota; hold the ~, (colloq) menjaga + approp n: Mr Gopi asked his assistant to hold the ~ while he took the day’s takings to the bank, Encik Gopi meminta pembantunya menjaga kedai sementara dia menghantar pendapatan hari itu ke bank. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
find | he didn’t ~ my remarks at all amusing, dia berasa kata-kata saya sama sekali tdk menggelikan hati; do you ~ that more people are visiting the museum than before?, pd perasaan encik adakah lebih ramai orang yg melawat muzium sekarang drpd dahulu?; we all found the play a great disappointment, kami semua mendapati drama itu sangat mengecewakan; 5. work out, mencari, mendapatkan: little effort has been made to ~ a solution, hanya sedikit usaha sahaja yg dijalankan utk mencari penyelesaian; 6. (leg.) mendapati: the court found the accused guilty, mahkamah mendapati yg dituduh bersalah; 7. reach, sampai kpd; (target etc) mengenai: do you think this letter will ~ him?, kamu fikir surat ini akan sampai kepadanya?; the bullet found its mark, peluru itu mengenai sasarannya; the blow found his chin, tumbukan itu mengenai dagunya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
first-class | adv dlm kelas satu: we flew ~, kami terbang dlm kelas satu; n kelas satu; (of mail) mel kelas satu: you can’t sit here sir, this is ~, encik tdk boleh duduk di sini, ini kelas satu; ~ gets there quicker, mel kelas satu lebih cepat sampai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forthright | adj terus terang; (of person, manner) suka berterus terang, terus terang: he made a ~ statement of their position, dia membuat kenyataan yg terus-terang ttg kedudukan mereka; Mr Davidson has the reputation of being ~, Encik Davidson dikenali sbg orang yg suka berterus-terang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
find | ~ st out, a. discover st, mendapat tahu (ttg) sst, mendapat tahu + clause; (through effort) mendapatkan + approp n, mendapatkan maklumat (ttg) + clause: how did you ~ out my name?, bagaimanakah encik mendapat tahu nama saya?; Mother got very angry when she found out that Father had been having an affair, ibu menjadi berang apabila mendapat tahu bahawa bapa telah mengadakan hubungan sulit; b. acquire information about, mendapatkan [n], mendapatkan maklumat ttg [clause]: we should ~ out the views of the villagers before we build the new airport, kita seharusnya mendapatkan pandangan orang-orang kampung sebelum membina lapangan terbang baru itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |