huff | ~ and puff, a. pant, tercungap-cungap, termengah-mengah, terengah-engah; b. show annoyance, membuat bising: the masses could only ~ and puff over the increase in taxes, rakyat jelata hanya boleh membuat bising apabila cukai dinaikkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gasp | vi 1. struggle for breath, tercungap-cungap, terengah-engah, termengah-mengah; ~ for breath, tercungap-cungap menarik nafas: he ~ed for breath as he came to the surface, dia tercungap-cungap menarik nafas apabila dia timbul ke permukaan air; 2. draw in breath sharply, seolah-olah tertahan: she ~ed at the man walking on the live coals, nafasnya seolah-olah tertahan melihat lelaki itu berjalan di atas bara api; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gasp | vt often ~ out, approp v + dgn /tercungap-cungap, terengah-engah, termengah-mengah/: he ~ed out his last words, dia mengeluarkan kata-katanya yg terakhir dgn tercungap-cungap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
breathless | adj 1. out of breath, panting, tercungap-cungap, termengah-mengah, terengah-engah: by the time she got to the top she was ~, apabila sampai di puncak, dia sudah tercungap-cungap; 2. without wind, tdk /berangin, berpuput/: the afternoon was hot and ~, tengah hari itu panas dan tdk berangin; 3. hold the breath, menahan nafas, terpegun. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
huff | vi emit puffs of air, menghembus-hembus; (as a result of exhaustion) termengah-mengah, tercungap-cungap, terengah-engah: after running a hundred metres the boy was ~ing, selepas berlari 100 meter budak itu termengah-mengah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hang | ~ out, a. lean out, menjulurkan kepala: children love ~ing out of car windows, kanak-kanak suka menjulurkan kepala di tingkap kereta; b. (of tongue) terjelir: the thirsty dog was panting and its tongue was ~ing out, anjing yg kehausan itu terengah-engah dan lidahnya terjelir; c. (sl) live, duduk: he ~s out at his brother’s place in the mean time, dia duduk di rumah abangnya buat masa ini; d. (sl) spend a lot of time, lepak; ~ st out, a. (washing etc), /menyidai, mengampaikan/ sst; b. (flag) mengibarkan, memasang: the shopkeepers hung out the flags on Independence Day, pekedai-pekedai mengibarkan bendera pd Hari Kemerdekaan; c. (sign) menggantungkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heave | vi 1. rise and fall regularly, a. (of chest, shoulders, etc) turun naik: her bosom was still heaving with emotion, dadanya masih turun naik menahan perasaan; b. (of waves, the sea, etc) beralun-alun, berombak-ombak: the water ~d as though a submarine explosion had taken place, air itu beralun-alun seolah-olah letupan kapal selam telah berlaku; c. (of ship, boat) terlambung-lambung: the ship was heav__ing in the heavy seas, kapal itu terlambung-lambung di laut yg bergelora; 2. ret, mual, loya: his stomach ~s at the sight of blood, perutnya mual apabila melihat darah; 3. pant, terengah-engah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |