epileptic | adj epilepsi; (pop.), /gila,sawan/ babi; (of person) menghidap /epilepsi, sawan babi, gila babi/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
epilepsy | n epilepsi; (pop.), /gila,sawan/ babi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
epileptic | n penghidap /epilepsi, sawan babi, gila babi/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
convulsive | adj 1. accompanied by convulsion, disertai konvulsi: epilepsy is a ~ disease, epilepsi ialah penyakit yg disertai konvulsi; 2. having the nature of a convulsion, terkejang-kejang; (tech) akibat konvulsi: ~ movements of the limbs, gerakan anggota akibat konvulsi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fit2 | n 1. loss of consciousness accompanied by convulsions, sawan: he’s having an epileptic ~, dia kena sawan epilepsi; 2. sudden attack of illness, serangan [n] yg tiba-tiba: a ~ of coughing, serangan batuk yg tiba-tiba; 3. sudden spell of emotion, (tiba-tiba) naik + approp adj or n: in a ~ of anger, she threw the vase at him, ketika naik marah, dia membalingkan jambangan ke arah lelaki itu; a ~ of enthusiasm made him donate $1,000 to the charity, krn naik ghairah, dia menderma $1,000 kpd badan amal itu; when he heard the fire alarm, he jumped out of the window in a ~ of panic, apabila mendengar penggera kebakaran, dia melompat keluar tingkap krn naik panik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |