Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

Definisi : adj tdk menentu: the disease followed an ~ course, penyakit itu berkembang secara tdk menentu; the car’s performance is rather ~, prestasi kereta itu agak tdk menentu; his behaviour has been quite ~, kelakuannya agak tdk menentu; an ~ badminton player, pemain badminton yg permainannya tdk menentu. (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata erratic

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

erraticadj tdk menentu: the disease followed an ~ course, penyakit itu berkembang secara tdk menentu; the car’s performance is rather ~, prestasi kereta itu agak tdk menentu; his behaviour has been quite ~, kelakuannya agak tdk menentu; an ~ badminton player, pemain badminton yg permainannya tdk menentu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
inconsistencyn 1. lack of harmony or agreement, tdk konsisten: there is ~ between his earlier statement and the one he has just made, kenyataan yg baru saja dibuatnya tdk konsisten dgn kenyataan yg dibuatnya dahulu; 2. quality of being unpredictable or erratic, ketidaktekalan: his ~ as a player makes me reluctant to put him in the team, ketidaktekalannya sbg pemain menyebabkan saya keberatan utk memasukkannya ke dlm pasukan itu; 3. st inconsistent, approp n + tdk konsisten: there were many inconsistencies between the two statements, banyak terdapat butir yg tdk konsisten antara kedua-dua kenyataan itu; his argument is full of inconsistencies, hujahnya penuh dgn fakta-fakta yg tdk konsisten.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
inconsistentadj 1. not in harmony or agreement, tdk konsisten: his conduct is ~ with his religious principles, tingkah lakunya tdk konsisten dgn prinsip agamanya; the statement he has just made is ~ with the one he made earlier, kenyataan yg baru sahaja dibuatnya tdk konsisten dgn kenyataan yg dibuatnya dahulu; 2. unpredictable, erratic, tdk tekal: an ~ student, pelajar yg tdk tekal; his work has always been ~, kerjanya selalu tdk tekal.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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