full-blown | adj 1. fully developed, dlm erti kata yg sebenar: a ~ war, peperangan dlm erti kata yg sebenar; 2. (usu liter.) in full bloom, kembang mekar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
knowingly | adv 1. in a manner suggestive of secret information, dgn penuh erti: to look ~ at so., memandang sso dgn penuh erti; 2. deliberately, dgn sengaja: to ~ hurt so., menyakiti hati sso dgn sengaja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
figurative | adj not literal, kiasan: the ~ uses of the word “hot”, penggunaan kiasan perkataan “hot”; ~ language, bahasa kiasan; in the ~ sense of the word, dlm erti kiasan kata itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
amount | vi; usu ~ to, a. reach a total of, jumlah [sst], [sst] berjumlah: he wanted to know what his debts ~ed to, dia hendak mengetahui jumlah hutangnya; the bill ~ed to one hundred ringgit, bil itu berjumlah seratus ringgit; b. mean, dimaksudkan oleh, maksud, erti; (st) sama seperti, bererti: this is what his statement ~s to, inilah yg dimaksudkan oleh kenyataannya itu; what he did ~ed to embezzlement, yg dilakukannya itu sama seperti penggelapan wang; ~ to little, tdk banyak ertinya; ~ to nothing, tdk bererti: his arguments ~ to nothing, hujah-hujahnya tdk bererti; it ~s to the same thing, itu sama sahaja; will /not, never/ ~ to /much, anything/, tdk akan berjaya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
far | go ~ /to do st, towards st/, membantu, menolong: the money donated by their neighbours will go ~ to pay for the hospital bills, wang yg diderma oleh jiran-jiran mereka akan membantu mereka membayar bil hospital; in so ~ as, insofar as [various translations]: your suggestion is useful in so ~ as pensioners are concerned, cadangan tuan berguna setakat pesara-pesara sahaja; she is different from the rest in so ~ as she seems unimpressed by any show of wealth, dia berbeza drpd yg lain dlm erti kata dia tdk kagum dgn kekayaan; so ~, /setakat, sejauh/ ini: so ~ his work has been satisfactory, setakat ini, kerjanya memuaskan; so ~ and no further, setakat ini dan tdk lebih drpd ini; so ~ so good, setakat ini tdk ada apa-apa masalah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
convey | vt 1. carry, transport, a. (gen) membawa: the ferry ~s cars and passengers across the river, feri itu membawa kereta dan penumpang ke seberang sungai; b. (by pipeline, channel, etc) menyalurkan: water is ~ed by open channels to smaller reservoirs, air disalurkan melalui salur terbuka ke takungan yg lebih kecil; 2. make known, memberikan: the sentence does not ~ the intended meaning, ayat itu tdk memberikan erti yg dimaksudkan; this photograph will ~ some idea of the suffering of the people, gambar ini akan memberikan sedikit gambaran ttg penderitaan rakyat; 3. communicate, menyampaikan: to ~ a message to so., menyampaikan pesanan kpd sso; 4. (leg.) memindah hak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
empty | adj 1. containing nothing, kosong: there are several ~ boxes outside, ada beberapa kotak kosong di luar; my purse is ~, beg duit saya kosong; 2. destitute of people or human activity, lengang: the street was ~ at night, jalan itu lengang pd waktu malam; 3. carrying no load, passengers, etc, kosong: an ~ wagon, gerabak kosong; 4. vacant, unoccupied, kosong: the house has been ~ for six months, rumah itu telah kosong selama enam bulan;5. without effect, force, significance, kosong; (of pleasure) tanpa /erti, makna/: ~ promises, janji-janji kosong; an ~ dream, impian kosong; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |