here | n this place, tempat ini, sini: we’ll be leaving ~ tomorrow, kita akan meninggalkan tempat ini esok; get out of ~, keluar dr sini; from ~ to there, dr sini ke sana; between ~ and London, di antara sini dgn London; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
certain | for ~, (sudah) pasti: the books will be delivered tomorrow for ~, buku-buku itu pasti akan dihantar esok; know for ~, pasti; make ~ (of, that), memastikan bahawa: she made ~ all the doors were locked, dia memastikan bahawa semua pintu telah dikunci; to make ~ of getting seats, memastikan bahawa mereka akan mendapat tempat duduk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
film | vi make motion picture, membuat filem; (dated) membuat wayang (gambar): tomorrow we’ll be ~ing all day, esok kami akan membuat filem sepanjang hari; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
induction | n 1. installation, pelantikan: his ~ into office takes place tomorrow, pelantikannya ke jawatan itu akan berlangsung esok; 2. act of inducing (labour by medical means) pencetusan; 3. introduction to new job, organization, etc, aruhan, induksi: ~ course, kursus aruhan; 4. (electr) aruhan; 5. (logic) induksi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intervene | if nothing (unforseeable) ~s, jika tdk /berhalangan, ada halangan, ada aral (melintang)/: I shall come tomorrow if nothing ~s, saya akan datang esok jika tdk berhalangan; 4. pass, berselang, berlalu: twenty-five years ~d between the two world wars, dua puluh lima tahun berselang antara dua perang dunia itu; during the years that ~d, dlm tahun-tahun yg berselang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | or examine st, meneliti sst: the board of directors will ~ over the proposals tomorrow, pihak lembaga pengarah akan meneliti usul-usul itu esok; let us ~ over the list and choose a suitable candidate, mari kita meneliti senarai ini dan memilih calon yg sesuai; c. also ~ through st, revise or rehearse st, mengulang sst, approp v + /semula, kembali/ sst: they’ll have to ~ over the last scene, mereka terpaksa melakonkan semula babak terakhir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
first | ~ thing, (colloq) pertama sekali; (early in the morning) pagi-pagi: l’ll ring you ~ thing tomorrow, pertama sekali esok, saya akan telefon kamu; ~ things ~, yg dahulu didahulukan, yg dulu didulukan; at ~ glance, see at ~ sight (sense a.); at ~ hand, a. directly, (secara) langsung: I heard the news from Cyril at ~ hand, saya mendengar berita itu langsung drpd Cyril; b. through own experience, drpd pengalaman [sso] sendiri: he knew at ~ hand what it was like to be one of Hitler’s victims, drpd pengalamannya sendiri, dia tahu bagaimana rasanya menjadi mangsa Hitler; at ~ light, pd waktu /subuh, dinihari/; at ~ sight, a. when first seen, /sekali, sekilas, selayang/ pandang, sepintas lalu: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
embark | vt take on board, mengambil; (cargo) mengambil, memuatkan: the ship will ~ passengers and cargo tomorrow, kapal itu akan mengambil penumpang dan kargo esok; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
enough | determiner cukup: we have ~ money to buy a new car, kami ada cukup wang utk membeli sebuah kereta baru; there is ~ bread for tomorrow, ada cukup roti utk esok; there’s not ~ time for one more game, tdk cukup waktu utk satu lagi perlawanan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intend | vt 1. have in o’s mind, bermaksud; (as a means to getting a desired result) bertujuan: I ~ to go tomorrow, saya bermaksud hendak pergi esok; which do you ~ to buy?, yg mana satu kamu bermaksud hendak beli?; I didn’t ~ you to hear it from someone else, saya tdk bermaksud kamu mendengar berita itu drpd orang lain; we did not ~ that he should be dropped from the team, kami tdk bermaksud utk menggugurkannya drpd pasukan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |