ethic | n 1. system of moral principles or values, etika: the Christian ~, etika Kristian; 2. (in pl)science that deals with morals, (ilmu) etika; 3. (in pl)moral rules or principles of behaviour, etika: he has acted contrary to the ~s of the profession, dia bertindak bertentangan dgn etika profesion; code of ~s, kod etika; 4. moral correctness or fitness, salah betulnya: the ~s of such a course of action does seem doubtful, salah betulnya tindakan begitu agak disangsikan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ethical | adj 1. of morals, etika: an ~ problem, masalah etika; 2. morally right, /menurut, mengikut/ / etika, tatasusila/: he refused to do it because he felt it was not ~, dia enggan melakukannya krn dia berasa itu tdk mengikut etika. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ethically | adv 1. in connection with ethics, dr segi etika: ~ speaking, what you did was wrong, dr segi etika, yg kamu lakukan itu salah; 2. in an ethical manner, menurut etika. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |