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Kamus Bahasa Melayu

Definisi : huruf keenam abjad Rumi. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
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Mendapat pisang terkubak.

Bermaksud :

Mendapat keuntungan dengan tidak bersusah payah. (Peribahasa lain yang sama makna: a. Dapat durian runtuh, b. Dapat harta karun, c. Dapat harta timbul, d. Dapat kijang teruit, e. Dapat tebu rebah, f. Kura-kura kakinya tiada basah, g. Rusa dijumpai tiada dikejar).


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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

come~ before, a. <i>precede,i> mendahului: <i>D ~s before E and after E ~s F,i> D mendahului E dan selepas E, F; b. <i>appear before court of law,i> dibawa ke hadapan: <i>to ~ before the judge,i> dibawa ke hadapan hakim; c. (<i>of claim, matter, etci>) <i>be presented for consideration etc,i> dibawa ke: <i>your case will ~ before the tribunal this week,i> kes kamu akan dibawa ke tribunal itu minggu ini; d. <i>have a higher rank,i> lebih tinggi drpd: <i>admirals ~ before captains,i> pangkat admiral lebih tinggi drpd pangkat kapten; e. <i>be of greater importance than,i> lebih penting drpd: <i>the building of low-cost houses must ~ before the building of luxurious apartments,i> pembinaan rumah kos rendah lebih penting drpd pembinaan pangsapuri mewah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
festival<i>ni> 1. <i>occasion for religious or customary celebration,i> (<i>if solemni>) perayaan; (<i>if festivei>) pesta: <i>the Moon Cake F~,i> perayaan Kuih Bulan; <i>the Harvest F~ in Sabah,i> Pesta Menuai di Sabah; 2. <i>cultural, musical event or entertainment,i> pesta, temasya: <i>a pop ~,i> pesta pop; <i>the Asian Film F~,i> Pesta Filem Asia.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
final<i>ni> 1. a. <i>last game between two remaining contestants,i> perlawanan akhir: <i>the World Cup F~,i> Perlawanan Akhir Piala Dunia; b. (<i>in pli>) <i>games played in last stage of tournament,i> /pusingan, peringkat/ akhir: <i>the World Cup F~s,i> Pusingan Akhir Piala Dunia; 2. (<i>of examinationi>) peperiksaan akhir: <i>the law ~s,i> peperiksaan akhir undang-undang.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
f ollow~ st up, <i>continue by pursuing st more thoroughly or at greater length,i> [<i>various translationsi>]: <i>to ~ up a suggestion,i> melaksanakan sst cadangan; <i>to ~ up an advantage,i> menggunakan kesempatan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
f ollow~ st through, <i>carry out, continue doing etc st to completion, approp vi> (+ sehingga selesai): <i>he started the project well but failed to ~ it through,i> dia memulakan projek itu dgn baik tetapi gagal melaksanakannya sehingga selesai; <i>it is important to ~ your argument through to a conclusion,i> adalah mustahak meneruskan hujah kamu sehingga mendapat satu kesimpulan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
f ollow~ so. about, mengekori sso: <i>the child ~ed his mother about as she bustled around in the kitchen,i> anak itu mengekori ibunya semasa dia sibuk bekerja di dapur;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
f ollowto ~, (<i>restauranti>) selepas /ini, itu/: <i>would you like something to ~, sir?,i> tuan hendak apa-apa lagi selepas ini?; ~ o’s (own) bent, mengikut kecenderungan sso (sendiri); ~ suit, <i>join ini>, berbuat demikian juga, mengikut: <i>he started to clap and many others ~ed suit,i> dia mula bertepuk dan ramai yg lain berbuat demikian juga; as ~s, spt yg berikut: <i>the contents are as ~s: $120 in cash, one driver’s licence, three credit cards and various documents,i> kandungannya adalah spt yg berikut: wang tunai $120, satu lesen memandu, tiga kad kredit dan dokumen-dokumen lain;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
f ollow12. <i>trace,i> mengikuti: <i>we can ~ the development of Dutch influence in the East Indies through the annual VOC reports,i> kita boleh mengikuti perkembangan pengaruh Belanda di Hindia Timur melalui laporan tahunan VOC; 13. <i>adhere to,i> menganut, mengikut: <i>he ~s the teachings of Buddha,i> dia menganut ajaran Buddha; 14. <i>pursuei> (<i>professioni>) menjadi, bekerja sbg: <i>she decided to ~ an academic career,i> dia membuat keputusan utk menjadi ahli akademik;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
f ollow8. (<i>accept andi>) <i>act in accordance with,i> mengikut; (<i>rules, regulationsi>) mematuhi, mengikut: <i>they ~ed the instructions given,i> mereka mengikut arahan yg diberikan; <i>to ~ the latest fashion,i> mengikut fesyen terbaru; <i>he always ~s the rules,i> dia sentiasa mematuhi undang-undang; 9. <i>follow the footsteps of,i> mengikut jejak: <i>Ibrahim ~ed his father into politics,i> Ibrahim mengikut jejak bapanya memasuki politik; 10. <i>understand,i> memahami, mengerti: <i>I don’t ~ your argument,i> saya tdk memahami hujah anda; you ~ me?, faham?; 11. <i>pay close attention to, be interested in,i> mengikuti: <i>she ~ed the election results closely,i> dia mengikuti keputusan pilihan raya dgn teliti;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
f ollow5. a. <i>proceed, go alongi> (<i>route indicated byi>) mengikut: <i>they ~ed the road up to the junction,i> mereka mengikut jalan itu hingga ke persimpangan; <i>to get to the cathedral just ~ the blue arrows,i> utk sampai ke katedral, ikut saja anak panah biru; 6. <i>run parallel to,i> mengikut: <i>the boundary between Thailand and Laos ~s the Mekong River,i> sempadan antara negeri Thai dan Laos mengikut Sungai Mekong; 7. <i>watch steadily,i> mengekori, memperhatikan: <i>he ~ed the dancer with his eyes,i> matanya mengekori penari itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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