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Kamus Bahasa Melayu

Definisi : fajar mula terbit. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)

Definisi : hari mula siang; terbit fajar. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata fajar menyingsing

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

break of dayn (waktu) fajar menyingsing.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cracka fair ~ of the whip, /peluang, kesempatan/ utk mencuba; at the ~ of dawn,/ waktu fajar menyingsing; ~ of doom, a. thunder-peal of day of judgement, tiupan sangkakala hari kiamat; b. end of the world, hari kiamat; give so. a ~ at st., memberi sso peluang untuk mencuba; have a ~ at, (fml) mencuba (+ approp v): he’s going to have a ~ at tennis, dia akan mencuba bermain tenis; make a ~ about /so., st/, mempersendakan /sso, sst/; open (door etc) just a ~, membuka (pintu dsb) sedikit sahaja;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bestirvt; ~ os, (fml) bergerak cergas: she ~red herself at the crack of dawn, dia bergerak cergas sebaik-baik sahaja fajar menyingsing.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
still 1 n 1. quietness, keheningan, kesunyian: in the ~ of the night, not long before dawn, dlm keheningan malam, tdk lama sebelum fajar menyingsing; 2. still photograph, gambar foto pegun;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
breakd. (of drought) end, berakhir: if the drought doesn’t ~ soon..., sekiranya kemarau tdk segera berakhir...; e. (of day) begin, menyingsing: as day broke, sewaktu fajar menyingsing; 12. become public, (mula) tersebar: the news broke yesterday, berita itu mula tersebar semalam; 13.,/b> (of voice) a. (as from emotion) terputus-putus: his voice was ~ing with grief, suaranya terputus-putus krn kesedihan; b. deepen at adolescence, pecah, menjadi /besar, kasar/; [with person as subject] pecah suara: my voice broke when I was fifteen, suara saya pecah or saya pecah suara sewaktu berumur lima belas tahun;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dawnn 1. daybreak, (waktu) subuh: ~ is nearly here, hari sudah hampir subuh; they set off at ~, mereka bertolak pd waktu subuh; ~ chorus, kicauan unggas pd waktu subuh; at /the first streak, (the) break, the crack/ of ~, apabila fajar menyingsing; 2. beginning, birth, bermulanya; (of love) bibit; (of hope) sinar: the ~ of civilisation, bermulanya peradaban; the news brought a ~ of hope, berita itu membawa sinar harapan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dayany ~ (of the week), (colloq) a. (indic preference to do st) lebih suka: if you ask me, I’d live in Malaysia any ~, kalau kamu tanya saya, saya lebih suka tinggal di Malaysia; b. whenever one wants, bila-bila masa saja: if he wants he can buy ten any ~ of the week, jika dia mahu, dia boleh membeli sepuluh, bila-bila masa saja; c. (indic absolute certainty of the truth of o’s opinion) lagi: I am a better cook than she is any ~ of the week, saya lagi pandai memasak drpd dia; at break of ~, (pd) waktu /subuh, fajar menyingsing, fajar merekah, matahari terbit/; at the end of the ~, (pd) /akhirnya, kesudahannya/; before ~, sebelum /siang (hari), waktu siang/; by ~, pd /waktu siang, siang hari/; by the ~, /berdasarkan, mengikut/ hari bekerja: he is paid by the ~, dia dibayar berdasarkan hari bekerja;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
blushvi 1. redden, menjadi merah, naik merah: she ~ed with shame, mukanya menjadi merah krn malu; his face ~ed crimson at their remarks, mukanya menjadi merah apabila mendengar komen-komen mereka; ~ to the roots of o’s hair, muka sso /menjadi merah, naik merah/; 2. be ashamed, berasa malu: I ~ to admit my error, saya berasa malu utk mengakui kesalahan saya; 3. become rosy, memerah, menjadi merah: the eastern sky ~ed with the approach of dawn, langit sebelah timur memerah apabila fajar menyingsing.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
peep 1 n ; /have, get, take/ a ~ at, melihat sekilas; ( in secret) mengintai: may I have a ~ at the baby?, boleh saya melihat sekilas bayi itu?; she tried to get a ~ at the letter but he folded it quickly and put it in his pocket, dia mencuba mengintai kandungan surat itu, tetapi lelaki itu cepat-cepat melipatnya dan menyimpannya ke dlm sakunya; at the ~ of /day, dawn, morning/ , waktu /fajar, fajar dinihari/ /menyingsing, merekah/: he was up at the first ~ of dawn, dia bangun tatkala fajar dinihari menyingsing;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
whenconj 1. (introducing subordinate clause ref to time), (gen) apabila; (colloq) bila; (ref to a period of time) semasa, sewaktu; (ref to a point of time or moment in the past) ketika: give me a ring ~ you get to Honolulu, telefonlah saya apabila kamu sampai di Honolulu; she screamed with delight ~ she caught sight of me, dia menjerit keseronokan apabila dia ternampak saya; ~ necessary, repeat treatment every half hour, apabila perlu, ulangi rawatan tiap-tiap setengah jam; ~ he is drunk his face gets red, sewaktu dia mabuk, mukanya menjadi merah; ~ I was young discipline was very strict, semasa saya muda, disiplin sungguh ketat; the children were asleep ~ I got home, anak-anak sudah tidur sewaktu saya pulang; was she there ~ her son won his gold medal?, adakah dia berada di situ sewaktu anaknya memenangi pingat emas itu?; you should be more careful ~ crossing the road, kamu harus lebih hati-hati semasa menyeberang jalan; this photograph was taken ~ dawn was just breaking, gambar ini diambil ketika fajar baru menyingsing;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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