health physics | n ilmu fizik kesihatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
closed book | n sst yg asing: physics is a ~ to me, fizik adalah sst yg asing bagi saya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
epoch | n zaman:the splitting of the atom marked a new ~ in physics, pembelahan atom menandakan satu zaman baru dlm ilmu fizik; an ~ of rapid technological developments, zaman pembangunan teknologi yg pesat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ambition | n cita-cita: to have great ~, mempunyai cita-cita tinggi; the Chair of Physics was her ~, menyandang Kerusi Fizik menjadi cita-citanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
behind | 8. less advanced than, /ketinggalan, terkebelakang/ berbanding dgn, tdk /semaju, maju spt/: a country far ~ others in technology, negara yg jauh terkebelakang berbanding dgn negara-negara lain dlm bidang teknologi; he is ~ his other classmates in physics, dia ketinggalan dlm mata pelajaran fizik berbanding dgn rakan sedarjahnya yg lain or dia tdk semaju rakan sedarjahnya dlm mata pelajaran fizik; 9. supporting, mendapat sokongan: the President had the army ~ him, Presiden mendapat sokongan tentera; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
keen | ~ on, a. (someone) menaruh hati thdp. b. (a sport, subject, hobby, etc) sangat suka (akan), sangat berminat: ~ on travelling, sangat suka melancong; ~ on nuclear physics, sangat berminat dlm fizik nuklear; c. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
home ground | n; on ~, a. di tempat sendiri; b. (fig.) approp n + tdk asing bagi sso: when he talks about physics you can tell he’s on ~, apabila dia bercakap ttg fizik kita boleh tahu yg perkara itu tdk asing baginya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exact | at this ~ /spot, place/, betul-betul di sini; 2. correct in every detail, benar-benar, betul-betul: it is the ~ replica of the original statue, patung itu ialah betul-betul replika patung yg asal; she is the ~ opposite of her twin, dia benar-benar berlainan drpd kembarnya; 3. meticulous, persis, jitu: this job requires a very ~ person, kerja ini memerlukan orang yg persis; 4. (of science) jitu: physics is an ~ science, fizik ialah sains jitu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
domain | n 1. territory under so. or st, a. kawasan kekuasaan; (of animal) domain: all the states in the King’s ~, semua negeri dlm kawasan kekuasaan raja; b. (fig.) kawasan: the house and gardens are her ~, rumah dan taman itu ialah kawasannya; 2. area of interest, activity, knowledge, domain: education should become the ~ of the federal government, pendidikan seharusnya dijadikan domain kerajaan persekutuan; this problem is outside the ~ of the physicist, masalah ini di luar domain ahli fizik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grade | n 1. quality, gred: high - ~ steel, keluli gred tinggi; he only buys the best ~ of eggs, dia hanya membeli telur gred terbaik; ~ A rice, beras gred A; 2. a. marks, (for the total examination) gred, pangkat; (for single subject), pangkat, [or not translated]: I got ~ A for my Lower Certificate of Education examination, saya mendapat gred A dlm peperiksaan Lower Certificate of Education; ~ C in mathematics, pangkat C dlm matematik; (good) ~s, markah (baik): my son got good ~s this year except in physics, anak saya mendapat markah baik tahun ini kecuali dlm fizik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |