cork | <i>ni> 1. (<i>barki>) gabus: <i>~ coasters,i> lapik gelas gabus; 2. <i>stopper,i> (<i>made of corki>) gabus, penyumbat, sumbat; (<i>made of other materiali>) penyumbat, sumbat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extract | <i>vti> 1. <i>pull out by force,i> mencabut: <i>he had his tooth ~ed,i> giginya telah dicabut; <i>she found it difficult to ~ the cork,i> dia mendapati sukar utk mencabut gabus itu; 2. (<i>liter.i>) <i>take out carefully,i> mengeluarkan: <i>he ~ed the document from his briefcase,i> dia mengeluarkan dokumen itu dr beg bimbitnya; 3. <i>obtain by crushing, pressing, distilling, etc,i> mengekstrak: <i>to ~ juice from pineapples,i> mengekstrak jus drpd nanas; <i>to ~ coal,i> mengekstrak batu arang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
float | <i>vii> 1. a. <i>rest on water,i> mengapung, timbul; (<i>of personi>) mengapung; (<i>ref to statei>) terapung; (<i>with bobbing motioni>) terapung-apung: <i>cork ~s in water,i> gabus timbul dlm air; <i>he can ~ for hours,i> dia boleh mengapung berjam-jam lamanya; <i>the leaves of the water-lilies ~ ing on the pond give protection to insects and fish,i> daun-daun teratai yg terapung di kolam itu memberikan perlindungan pd serangga dan ikan; <i>the body was found ~ing in the harbour,i> mayat itu dijumpai terapung-apung di pelabuhan; b. <i>rest in air,i> mengapung: <i>a cloud of dust ~ed in the air,i> kepulan habuk mengapung di udara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |