handset | n gagang (telefon). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jiggle | vt menggoyang-goyangkan: to ~ the door handle, menggoyang-goyangkan gagang pintu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hang | ~ up, a. suspend with a string, cord, etc, menggantungkan: he does not ~ up his clothes after taking them off, dia tdk menggantungkan pakaian selepas menanggalkannya; b. place on chair, hook, etc, menyangkutkan; c. put telephone receiver down, meletakkan gagang telefon: he hung up before I had finished talking, dia meletakkan gagang telefon sebelum saya habis bercakap; d. (usu pass.) delay, tergendala: the peace talks were hung up because of renewed fighting, perbincangan perdamaian tergendala krn pertempuran meletus semula; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
curse | n 1. word used in swearing, kata makian; (in pl) sumpah-seranah, kata-kata makian: with a ~ he slammed down the phone, sambil mengeluarkan kata makian dia menghempaskan gagang telefon; his ~s could be heard in the street, sumpah-seranahnya boleh didengar hingga ke jalan raya; 2. invocation for vengeance, evil, etc, sumpah(an): beware of an orphan’s ~, berjaga-jagalah jangan terkena sumpahan anak yatim; a witch’s ~, sumpahan perempuan sihir; call down ~s on so., menyumpah sso; /put, lay/ a ~ on so., st, menyumpah /sso, sst/: the king laid a ~ on his own son, raja itu menyumpah puteranya sendiri; under a ~, kena sumpah(an); 3. cause of misery, ruin, musibat: war is the greatest ~ of mankind, perang adalah musibat yg paling dahsyat pd manusia; gambling is his ~, berjudi merupakan musibat kepadanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hang | ~ up about st, (usu pass.), [various translations]: he’s hung up about meeting new people, dia malu utk bertemu dgn orang-orang yg belum dikenalinya; his mother is hung up about being on her own, ibunya takut tinggal seorang diri; ~ up on so., a. put down telephone receiver, meletakkan gagang telefon: she hung up on me every time I called her, dia meletakkan gagang telefon setiap kali saya menelefonnya; b. (usu pass.), (sl) have an obsession about so., tergila-gilakan sso: she’s hung up on that fellow, dia tergila-gilakan lelaki itu; ~ up on st, see ~ up about st; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bend | n 1. curved part, a. (of road) selekoh, siku, liku, kelok, lengkok: a road full of ~s, jalan yg penuh dgn selekoh; b. (of other things) lengkung: the ~ of the handlebar, lengkung gagang basikal; the ~ of the back, lengkung belakang sso; the ~ of an arched window, lengkung tingkap gerbang; 2. act of bending, [various translations]: with a quick ~ of the body, dgn melengkungkan badannya cepat-cepat; with a slight ~ of the knee, dgn membengkokkan kakinya sedikit; put a ~ in st, membengkokkan sst; (go) round the ~, (colloq), (sudah) gila; straighten out a ~ in st, meluruskan sst; take a ~, menyelekoh; there is a ~ in st, sst bengkok: there is a ~ in the curtain rod, alang langsir itu bengkok; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grasp | n 1. a. firm hold, pegangan (yg kuat); (with closed fist) genggaman, menggenggam: he tightened his ~ on my hand, dia mengejapkan pegangannya pd lengan saya; make sure you have a firm ~ of the racket, pastikan kamu menggenggam erat-erat gagang raket itu; b. tight grip (as if with nails or claws) cengkaman: she broke free from my ~, dia melepaskan diri drpd cengkaman saya; 2. control, mastery, cengkaman: the country fell into the ~ of a tyrant, negara itu jatuh ke dlm cengkaman pemerintah yg zalim; 3. comprehension, understanding, pemahaman: this subject is beyond my ~, perkara ini di luar pemahaman saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cradle | n 1. (cot) buaian: from the ~ to the grave, dr buaian hingga ke liang lahad; 2. place of origin, tempat bermulanya: Greece was the ~ of democracy, Yunani ialah tempat bermulanya demokrasi; ~ of civilisation, tempat bermulanya tamadun; 3. (of telephone) penatang gagang telefon; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hook | ~, line and sinker, bulat-bulat: he fell for the story, ~, line and sinker, dia menerima cerita itu bulat-bulat; by ~ or by crook, (colloq) dgn apa cara sekalipun; (get) off the ~, lepas: he likes to blame others so that he can get off the ~, dia suka menyalahkan orang lain supaya dia lepas; how he managed to get off the ~, I really don’t know, bagaimana dia boleh lepas drpd tugas itu, saya pun tdk tahu; /let, get/ so. off the ~, melepaskan sso: I’ll let you off the ~ this time but you’d better watch out in future, kali ini saya lepaskan kamu tetapi masa-masa yg akan datang, jaga-jaga; take, leave /telephone, receiver/ off the ~, membiarkan gagang telefon di tepi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |