brine | n 1. a solution of salt and water, air garam; 2. a. sea water, air /laut, masin/; b. the sea, laut; 3. (chem) air garam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dissolve | vt 1. melt, liquefy, melarutkan: ~ the salt in water, larutkan garam dlm air; 2. cause to break up or come to an end, membubarkan: to ~ Parliament, membubarkan Parlimen; to ~ a marriage, membubarkan perkahwinan; 3. cause to vanish, menghilangkan, melenyapkan: the cheerful atmosphere of the party ~d his anger, suasana riang di majlis itu telah menghilangkan kemarahannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crystallize, crystallise | vt 1. menghablurkan: evaporation will ~ the salt, penyejatan akan menghablurkan garam itu; 2. (fig.) memperjelas: it was only recently that I was able to ~ my thoughts on the subject, akhir-akhir ini saja baru saya dapat memperjelas buah fikiran saya ttg perkara itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
effervescent | adj 1. fizzy, berbuih: an ~ drink, minuman yg berbuih; ~ salt, garam berbuak; 2. high-spirited, penuh bersemangat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
indissoluble | adj (fml) 1. insoluble, tak terlarut: an ~ salt, garam yg tak terlarut; 2. permanent, lasting, kekal: the ~ bond of friendship between them, tali persahabatan yg kekal antara mereka; the bonds of marriage are ~, ikatan perkahwinan adalah kekal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
immerse | vt 1. dip, merendam; (face, head) membenamkan: she ~d the clothes in soapy water, dia merendam kain-kain itu dlm air sabun; the eggs must first be ~d in a salt solution, telur-telur itu hendaklah terlebih dahulu direndam dlm air garam; he ~d the boy’s head in the water, dia membenamkan epala budak itu dlm air; lie ~d in st, (of person, animal) berendam; 2. baptize by immersion, membaptis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |