fierce | adj 1. savage, ferocious, garang: a ~ dog, anjing garang; she had a ~ look on her face, wajahnya kelihatan garang; 2. violent, turbulent, membadai: a ~ storm, ribut yg membadai; ~ winds, angin yg membadai; 3. intense, a. (of emotion, feeling, sensation, etc) amat sangat: a ~ desire for success, keinginan yg amat sangat utk mencapai kejayaan; b. (of heat) terik; c. (of argument, competition, resistance, etc) hebat, sengit: after a fierce campaign the country was finally occupied, selepas kempen yg hebat, negeri itu akhirnya diduduki. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ferocity | n 1. quality of being ferocious, keganasan; (of look, expression) kebengisan; (of bark, roar, etc) kegarangan, garang: the ~ of the dog frightened my children, keganasan anjing itu menakutkan anak-anak saya; with ~, dgn ganas; (of person) kebengisan, bengis, garang; 2. (ref to weather condition) keterlaluan: he was taken aback by the ~ of the heat as he stepped out of the aeroplane, sebaik sahaja dia melangkah keluar dr kapal terbang dia terkejut oleh panas yg keterlaluan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grimness | n 1. seriousness (of expression) keseriusan, serius, garang: the ~ of the man’s expression frightened her, keseriusan air muka lelaki itu menakutkannya; 2. unpleasantness, kesusahan, keperitan: Shahnon Ahmad depicted the ~ of a farmer’s life in one of his novels, Shahnon Ahmad menggambarkan keperitan hidup seorang petani dlm salah sebuah novelnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
harsh | adj 1. unpleasant, grating to the senses, a. (rel to texture) kasar: that material is too ~ for the baby to wear, kain itu terlalu kasar utk dipakai oleh bayi; b. (of colour) garang: the room was decorated in ~ colours, bilik itu dihiasi dgn warna-warna yg garang; c. (of light) menyilaukan mata: in the ~ light, dlm cahaya yg menyilaukan mata; d. (of voice) kasar, garau; e. (of sound) menyakitkan telinga; 2. severe, hard, a. (of person, person’s action) keras: he is very ~ with his children, dia terlalu keras dgn anak-anaknya; the punishment was too ~, hukuman itu terlalu keras; b. (of face, features) cenge, garang; c. (of words etc) kasar, kesat; d. (of weather etc) teruk: the ~ polar weather, cuaca kutub yg teruk; e. (of life, condition) penuh kepayahan: the ~ life of a nomad, hidup nomad yg penuh kepayahan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ferocious | adj 1. very violent, savage, ganas; (of look, expression) bengis; (of bark, roar) garang: our neighbours have a ~ dog, jiran kami mempunyai anjing yg ganas; he has a ~ temper, dia ganas orangnya; the critics launched a ~ attack on his latest film, para pengkritik melancarkan serangan yg ganas thdp filemnya yg terbaru; the Falklands campaign was characterized by ~ fighting, kempen Falkland dicirikan oleh pertempuran yg ganas; 2. (ref to weather condition) extreme, keterlaluan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bite | vi 1. seize or attack with the teeth, sting, etc, menggigit; (of snake) mematuk, menggigit: the monkey looks fierce but doesn’t ~, monyet itu nampak garang tetapi tdk menggigit; 2. take bait, makan umpan: the fish aren’t biting today, ikan tdk makan umpan hari ini; 3. be taken in by a ploy, termakan (umpan): he knew it was a mistake but he bit just the same, dia tahu itu suatu kesilapan tetapi dia termakan umpan juga; 4. take firm hold of, grip, mencengkam: the car wheels would not ~ on the icy road, roda kereta itu tdk mencengkam di jalan yg berselaput ais; 5. cause to smart, a. (of words etc) menusuk hati: his words bit deeply into me, kata-katanya sangat menusuk hatiku; b. (of food, drink), [various translations]: the mustard really ~s, sos biji sawi itu benar-benar terasa pedar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hostile | adj 1. enemy, musuh: ~ troops, tentera musuh; ~ country, negara musuh; 2. characteristic of an enemy, bermusuhan; (of person, crowd) bersikap bermusuhan: ~ attitude, sikap bermusuhan; ~ look, pandangan bermusuhan; 3. (of animal) garang: the animal suddenly became ~, binatang itu tiba-tiba menjadi garang; 4. indic opposition, menentang: ~ reaction, reaksi menentang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
horrid | adj 1. (colloq) unpleasant, dahsyat, teruk: this is a ~ place, it’s full of ants and cockroaches, tempat ini teruk, penuh dgn semut dan lipas; (of person, person’s behaviour, etc), [various translations]: she had a ~ stepmother, dia mempunyai ibu tiri yg garang; don’t be ~ to your little sister, jangan berkasar thdp adikmu; 2. frightening, repulsive, sangat menakutkan, dahsyat: the monster had a really ~ face, rupa raksasa itu sangat menakutkan; a ~ dream, mimpi yg dahsyat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hard | 6. difficult, sukar, susah: these sums are too ~ for primary school pupils, kira-kira ini terlalu sukar utk murid-murid sekolah rendah; it’s ~ for us to imagine such poverty, sukar bagi kita utk membayangkan kemiskinan spt itu; a ~ life, kehidupan yg susah; ~ times, masa susah; 7. (of voice) keras; 8. (of colour) garang; 9. (of ray) keras: ~ cosmic ray, sinar kosmos keras; 10. (rel to weather) teruk: a ~ winter, musim sejuk yg teruk; 11. high in alcoholic content, keras: ~ liquor, arak yg keras; 12. (of water, soap) liat; 13. indisputable, tdk boleh disangkal: ~ facts, fakta yg tdk boleh disangkal; 14. (of currency, money) utama; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | I know Safuan is ~ing for that job in the marketing department, saya tahu Safuan sedang mencuba mendapatkan jawatan di bahagian pemasaran itu; e. be applicable to, ditujukan kpd: what I said to him ~es for you too, apa-apa yg saya katakan kepadanya ditujukan kpd kamu juga; f. like, suka akan, menyukai: I ~ for bold colours, saya suka akan warna-warna garang; g. sold for, dijual dgn harga: these second-hand books are ~ing for three dollars each, buku-buku terpakai ini dijual dgn harga | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |