divergent | adj 1. separating into different directions, (men)capah: ~ lines, garisan-garisan capah; 2. deviating, (lit. & fig.) menyimpang: ~ behaviour, tingkah laku yg menyimpang; 3. different, berbeza: ~ ideas on morality, idea-idea yg berbeza ttg kemoralan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
latitude | n 1. (geog) garisan lintang, latitud: ~ 22° N, garis lintang 22° U; 2. (in pl) areas north or south of the equator, kawasan: plants found only in tropical ~s, tanaman-tanaman yg hanya terdapat di kawasan tropika; /high, low/ ~s, garis lintang /tinggi, rendah/; 3. freedom of action, kebebasan: the students were not given much ~ in their choice of subjects, penuntut-penuntut itu tdk diberi kebebasan yg luas dlm memilih mata pelajaran mereka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dateline | n 1. International Date-line, Garisan Tarikh Antarabangsa; 2. (journ) ruang tarikh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
antipodes | adj 1. of the antipodes, antipodes: ~ latitude, garisan lintang antipodes; ~ to, berantipod dgn; 2. diametrically opposite, berlainan; (of person) berlainan + approp n: ~ attitude, sikap yg berlainan; a strong bond that exists between these two ~ women, ikatan teguh yg wujud antara kedua-dua wanita yg berlainan tabiat ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
antipodean | adj 1. of the antipodes, antipodes: ~ latitude, garisan lintang antipodes; ~ to, berantipod dgn; 2. diametrically opposite, berlainan; (of person) berlainan + approp n: ~ attitude, sikap yg berlainan; a strong bond that exists between these two ~ women, ikatan teguh yg wujud antara kedua-dua wanita yg berlainan tabiat ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
antipode | adj 1. of the antipodes, antipodes: ~ latitude, garisan lintang antipodes; ~ to, berantipod dgn; 2. diametrically opposite, berlainan; (of person) berlainan + approp n: ~ attitude, sikap yg berlainan; a strong bond that exists between these two ~ women, ikatan teguh yg wujud antara kedua-dua wanita yg berlainan tabiat ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
antipodal | adj 1. of the antipodes, antipodes: ~ latitude, garisan lintang antipodes; ~ to, berantipod dgn; 2. diametrically opposite, berlainan; (of person) berlainan + approp n: ~ attitude, sikap yg berlainan; a strong bond that exists between these two ~ women, ikatan teguh yg wujud antara kedua-dua wanita yg berlainan tabiat ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
discontinuous | adj 1. characterized by breaks, interruptions, tdk berkesinambungan, terputus-putus, tdk berterusan: a ~ line, garisan yg terputus-putus; 2. (math) tak selanjar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
baseline | n 1. (surv) garis /dasar, tapak/; 2. line at each end of tennis court, garisan belakang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chalk | vt 1. also mark, outline with chalk, menanda [sst] dgn kapur: to ~ lines on the tennis court, menanda garisan di gelanggang tenis dgn kapur; 2. write with chalk, menulis [sst] dgn kapur: to ~ different numbers on the boxes, menulis nombor-nombor yg berlainan pd kotak-kotak itu dgn kapur; 3. also ~ out, draw with chalk, /melukis, melakar/ dgn kapur: to ~ a rough map on the blackboard, melukis peta ringkas dgn kapur di papan hitam; 4. whiten, rub with chalk, mengapuri: he ~ed the end of his cue, dia mengapuri hujung kayu kiunya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |