electric blanket | <i>ni> /selimut, gebar/ elektrik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
comforter | <i>ni> 1. <i>so. who comforts,i> penawar hati; 2. <i>baby’s dummy teat,i> puting piring; 3. (US) <i>quilt,i> gebar selesa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
edge | <i>vti> 1. <i>supply with border, approp vi> [+ <i>ni>] pd tepi [<i>ssti>]: <i>to ~ a blanket with ribbon,i> membubuh reben pd tepi gebar; 2. <i>form border to,i> meminggiri: <i>wild flowers ~ the river bank,i> pokok-pokok bunga tumbuh liar meminggiri tebing sungai itu; 3. <i>move slowly along,i> mengesotkan, mengesot-ngesotkan: <i>to ~ the crate out of a room,i> mengesotkan peti kayu keluar dr bilik; <i>to ~ the refrigerator into the kitchen,i> mengesot-ngesotkan peti sejuk ke dapur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cosy | <i>adji> 1. <i>snug, comfortable,i> nyaman dan selesa: <i>a ~ little room,i> bilik kecil yg nyaman dan selesa: <i>I felt ~ under the thick blanket,i> saya berasa nyaman dan selesa berselimutkan gebar tebal; 2. <i>warm, friendly,i> mesra: <i>we had a ~ chat on the verandah,i> kami berbual mesra di berandah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blanket | <i>adji> menyeluruh: <i>a ~ agreement,i> perjanjian yg menyeluruh; <i>~ instructions,i> arahan-arahan yg menyeluruh; <i>a ~ insurance policy,i> polisi insurans yg menyeluruh; <i>ni> 1. <i>bed-covering,i> selimut, gebar; 2. <i>covering layer,i> liputan, litupan: <i>a ~ of snow,i> liputan salji; <i>a ~ of leaves,i> liputan daun-daunan; 3. <i>st that covers or encloses,i> yg /menyelubungi, mengelubungi/ sst: <i>a ~ of gloom,i> kemuraman yg menyelubungi suasana; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hatch 1 | <i>vti> 1. <i>causei> (<i>eggi>) <i>to break to let the young out,i> menetaskan: <i>she ~ed the egg by wrapping it in a warm blanket,i> dia menetaskan telur itu dgn membalutnya dlm gebar yg hangat; 2. <i>alsoi> ~ up, <i>contrive,i> merancang: <i>I’m sure he is ~ing up a plot to overthrow the government,i> saya pasti dia sedang merancang suatu komplot utk menggulingkan kerajaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |