Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

Definisi : ; gelap-~ sangat gelap; kegelitaan perihal (keadaan) gelita: ~ akal; ®gelap. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

Definisi : gelap. kegelitaan kegelapan. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata gelita

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

inky~ /black, dark/ gelap-gelita, gelap pekat: the room was ~ black, bilik itu gelap-gelita; an ~ dark night, malam yg gelap pekat; ~ /blackness, darkness/, kegelapan malam, malam yg /gelap-gelita, gelap pekat/: for a long time, he stood staring into the ~ blackness, lama juga dia merenung ke dlm kegelapan malam or malam yg gelap-gelita itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
darknessn 1. absence of light, kegelapan: in the ~ of the night, dlm kegelapan malam; 2. state of being dark, gelap: the studio was in complete ~, studio itu gelap-gelita; 3. quality of being dark in shade, a. (of complexion, skin) kehitaman, kegelapan; b. (of hair, eyes) berwarna gelap; (tending towards brown) berwarna coklat gelap; (tending towards black) kehitaman, hitam; c. (of clothing) kegelapan warna, berwarna gelap; 4. obscurity, kekaburan: the ~ of the prophecies, kekaburan ramalan-ramalan itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
go~ in, a. enter, masuk: he went in by the back door, dia masuk melalui pintu belakang; b. fit in, masuk ke dlm: this book won’t ~ in my pocket, buku ini tdk boleh masuk ke dlm saku saya; c. be obscured by clouds, dilindungi awan: the moon went in and there was complete darkness, bulan dilindungi awan dan gelap-gelita jadinya; d. start work, masuk kerja: we ~ in at 8.00, kami masuk kerja pd pukul 8.00; e. (colloq) be understood, masuk: I’ve read this chapter several times but it will not ~ in, saya telah membaca bab ini beberapa kali tetapi tak masuk juga; f. travel by, pergi dgn: we’ll all in his car, kita semua akan pergi dgn keretanya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
impenetrableadj 1. a. incapable, of being passed through, tdk dapat /dilalui, ditempuh/; b. incapable of entry, tdk dapat dimasuki: a dense ~ jungle, hutan tebal yg tdk dapat dimasuki; c. (of piercing) tdk dapat ditembusi: a wall of ~ rock, tembok batu yg tdk dapat ditembusi; 2. incomprehensible, sukar difahami: these ~ mysteries, misteri yg sukar difahami; 3. incapable of being seen through, sukar melihat: the darkness was ~, sukar melihat dlm keadaan yg gelap-gelita itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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