dayshift | n giliran siang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
green-room | n ruang nanti giliran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
choose | vi memilih, membuat pilihan: it is your turn to ~, sekarang giliran kamu utk membuat pilihan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crue 1 | vt; ~ so. in, memberi (sso) kiu: the director will ~ you in when it’s your turn to speak, pengarah akan memberi kiu apabila sampai giliran kamu utk bercakap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hopeful | n a. ( person who hopes for st) orang yg menaruh harapan: young ~s waited in line to be auditioned, orang-orang muda yg menaruh harapan itu beratur menunggu giliran utk diuji bakat; b. (person likely to succeed) orang yg mempunyai harapan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bowl2 | vt 1. pitch, a. (in bowls, bowling) menggolekkan; b. (in cricket) membaling; 2. also ~ so. out, mematikan giliran sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | n 1. (colloq) energy, vigour, tenaga: he’s full of ~, dia banyak tenaga; at the end of the race he still had plenty of ~ in him, di akhir perlumbaan itu dia masih mempunyai banyak tenaga; 2. (colloq) turn, giliran: it’s my ~ next, giliran saya lepas ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
in | 7. (of tide) pasang: when will the tide be ~?, bila air pasang?; 8. (of crop) be brought in, dibawa masuk: the harvest was ~ before the storm began, hasil tuaian dibawa masuk sebelum ribut melanda; 9. (in cricket, baseball) have a turn to bat, (giliran) memukul: Malaysia is ~ now, giliran pasukan Malaysia memukul sekarang; 10. (of fire) burning, menyala; 11. received from a number of people, sampai, diterima: all entries to the contest must be ~ by 31 December 1989, semua borang penyertaan peraduan itu mestilah sampai selewat-lewatnya pd 31 Disember 1989; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deal | 2. usu a /good, great/ ~, a. > (as verbal adjunct) sangat, amat, sungguh, banyak, selalu: to feel st a great ~, sangat merasai sst; he has helped me a great ~, dia telah banyak menolong saya; to think about so. a great ~, selalu mengingati sso; to grumble a great ~, selalu bersungut; b. (as adjunct of adj, adv) jauh lebih: a great ~ taller, jauh lebih tinggi; a great ~ more effective, jauh lebih berkesan; 3. (in card game) giliran /membahagi-bahagikan, memarih/ daun terup: it’s my ~, ini giliran saya utk membahagi-bahagikan daun terup; 4. business transaction, urus janji: the ~ went through without a hitch, urus janji itu berjalan dgn licin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fetch | vt 1. go and get, (something) mengambil; (someone something) mengambilkan; (someone) menjemput: he ~ed a chair from the next room, dia mengambil kerusi dr bilik sebelah; it is my turn to ~ water from the river, ini giliran saya mengambil air dr sungai; I have to ~ grandmother a cup of tea, saya harus mengambilkan nenek secawan teh; I’m just going to ~ my husband from the airport, saya hendak menjemput suami saya di lapangan terbang; ~ help, mendapatkan pertolongan; 2. be sold for, dijual: the land ~ed a good price, tanah itu telah dijual dgn harga yg tinggi; I think this house will ~ about $200,000, saya rasa rumah ini dapat dijual dgn harga $200,000; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |