glossary | n glosari, daftar /kata, istilah/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
annex | vt 1. add (to a building) menambahkan: a new wing was ~ed to the main block, sebuah bahagian sampingan ditambahkan pd blok utama; 2. append, menambahkan, melampirkan: a glossary was ~ed at the end of the book, satu glosari telah ditambahkan pd bahagian belakang buku; he ~ed a codicil to his will, dia menambahkan satu kodisil pd wasiatnya; 3. take possession of (territory, property, etc) mengilhakkan: Caesar ~ed Britain to the Roman Empire, Caesar telah mengilhakkan Britain pd Empayar Rom; 4. (colloq) take without permission, merampas; 5. attach (as attribute, consequence, condition), (act.) menyertakan; (pass.) ada pd: to ~ a condition to an agreement, menyertakan syarat pd sst perjanjian; the many privileges that are ~ed to the Presidency, hak-hak istimewa yg ada pd jawatan Presiden. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |