goal | n 1. aim, objective, matlamat: his ~ in life is to help others less fortunate than him, matlamat hidupnya adalah membantu orang-orang yg kurang bernasib baik daripadanya; 2. (sports) a. structure, area into which ball etc is aimed, gol: the ball went into the ~, bola itu masuk gol; b. (the score) gol: three ~s to one, tiga gol berbalas satu; ~ average, gol purata; keep ~, menjadi penjaga gol. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crossbar | n 1. (of goal post) palang gol; 2. (of bicycle) palang basikal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
header | n 1. a dive, junam(an); 2. act of striking ball with the head, tandukan: he scored a goal with a beautiful ~, dia menjaringkan gol dgn satu tandukan yg cantik; 3. (archit) kepala bata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flick1 | n 1. rapid movement backwards or forewards, petik(an), memetik: with one ~ of this switch you can destroy the world, dgn sekali petik suis ini, kamu dapat menghancurkan dunia; 2. quick stroke, a. (with the fingers) jentikan; (to produce sound) petikan: a ~ of his thumb was enough to summon an army of waiters, petikan jarinya saja cukup utk membuat pelayan datang ramai-ramai; b. (with hand) kibasan; c. (with flexible object) libasan; 3. rapid jerk, sentakan: a quick ~ of his foot sent the ball into the goal, sentakan kakinya yg cepat memasukkan bola ke dlm gol; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
attack | vt 1. assault physically, menyerang; (country) menyerang, melanggar: the fishing boats were ~ed by pirates, bot-bot nelayan itu diserang oleh lanun; this time they ~ed the goal from the left wing, kali ini mereka menyerang pintu gol dr kawasan sayap kiri; the country was ~ed without warning, negara itu diserang tanpa amaran; 2. criticize adversely, a. (so.) membidas, menyerang: the union leader was ~ed by the newspapers for his recent statement, pemimpin kesatuan sekerja itu dibidas oleh akhbar krn penyataannya baru-baru ini; b. (st) membidas, mengkritik dgn hebat: the Opposition ~ed the bill on several grounds, pihak Pembangkang membidas rang undang-undang itu atas beberapa sebab; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |