Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[] | ݢوبهن

Definisi : 1. bunga dll yg digubah; 2. karangan (cerita dll), ciptaan lagu: banyak cerpen ~nya disiarkan dlm majalah mingguan; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[] | ݢوبهن

Definisi : 1 bunga dsb yg telah disusun; susunan bunga dsb. 2 lagu dsb yg digubah; hasil drpd menggubah sesebuah lagu; ciptaan: Sajak ~nya telah disiarkan dlm majalah Dewan Masyarakat. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata gubahan

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

arrangement4. st arranged, gubahan: a floral ~, gubahan bunga; 5. (in pl) plans,preparations, persiapan, persediaan; (preceded by poss pron) segala yg telah [approp poss pron] /atur, urus/: ~s for the royal wedding, persiapan utk upacara perkahwinan diraja itu; we will have to cancel our ~s, kita terpaksa membatalkan segala yg telah kita atur; make ~s, /mengatur, mengurus/ segala-galanya; make the necessary ~s, /mengatur, mengurus/ segala yg perlu; 6. adaptation of piece of music, gubahan, susunan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
composite numbern nombor gubahan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
compositeadj made up of various parts, komposit; (math) gubahan: ~ illustrations, ilustrasi komposit;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
compositionn 1. act of composing, a. (literary work) mengarang; b. (song, music, etc) penggubahan; c. (printing) penyusunan huruf; 2. st composed, a. (work of art) gubahan; b. (song, music, etc) gubahan; c. (essay) karangan, esei; 3. constituent parts, kandungan, komposisi; (of a body of people) komposisi: to analyse the ~ of the soil sample, menganalisis kandungan sampel tanah; the ~ of the working commitee, komposisi jawatankuasa kerja.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
floraladj 1. consisting of flowers, berbunga-bunga: material with a ~ design, kain yg berbunga-bunga coraknya; 2. of flowers, bunga: a ~ arrangement, gubahan bunga.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
brillianthis handling of the situation was ~, cara dia mengendalikan keadaan itu bijak; b. (because so., st is unusually excellent) cemerlang: the prosecutor’s ~ argument, hujah cemerlang pendakwa itu; a ~ piece of music, gubahan muzik yg cemerlang; it was a ~ performance, itu suatu persembahan yg cemerlang; a ~ future, masa depan yg cemerlang; 5. (of smile) lebar: he flashed her a ~ smile, dia memberikan senyuman lebar kpd gadis itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
artisticadj 1. of, pertaining to art, seni: ~ talent, bakat seni; the nation’s ~ treasures, khazanah seni negara; 2. of, pertaining to artists, seniman, seni: ~ temperament, pembawaan seni; 3. done, made with art, berseni: an ~ arrangement of roses, gubahan bunga mawar yg berseni; the ~ use of colour in the film, penggunaan warna yg berseni dlm filem itu; 4. naturally skilled in art, berjiwa seni: she has always been ~, dia memang berjiwa seni.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
arrangementn 1. act of putting into order, a. (gen) penyusunan, mengatur, menyusun: she busied herself with the ~ of the goods on the shelves, dia bersibuk-sibuk mengatur barang-barang di atas rak itu; we must allow plenty of time for the ~ of the furniture, kita harus memberikan masa yg banyak bagi penyusunan perabot itu; b. (flowers) penggubahan; c. (hair) mendandan; d. (seating) penentuan: the ~ of the seating was left to the secretary, penentuan tempat duduk dipertanggungjawabkan kpd setiausaha itu; 2. act of preparing for in advance, pengurusan, mengurus, mengatur: the ~ of a meeting, pengurusan mesyuarat; 3. mode, manner in which things are arranged, a. (gen) cara [n] disusun: the ~ of books in a library, cara buku disusun di perpustakaan; b. (of flowers) gubahan; c. (of hair) dandanan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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