inexhaustible | adj 1. that cannot be used up, tdk /habis-habis, akan habis/; (of spring) tdk /akan kering, kering-kering/: an ~ supply of wheat, bekalan gandum yg tdk akan habis; ~ patience, sabar betul, terlalu sabar: her patience seems ~, dia nampaknya sabar betul; so’s patience is not ~, sso bukannya sabar sangat: “My patience is not ~,” she said, “Saya ini bukannya sabar sangat,” katanya; 2. untiring, tdk kenal /lelah, penat/: he is ~ in his endeavours, dia tdk kenal lelah dlm usahanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
endless | adj 1. having no end, tdk berhujung; ( of complaints, questions, troubles, etc ) tdk habis-habis; ( of a list of things ) berjela-jela: the queue seemed ~, barisan itu seolah-olah tdk berhujung; an ~ journey through the desert, perjalanan yg tdk berhujung melalui padang pasir; the story of his troubles seemed ~, cerita kesusahannya seolah-olah tdk habis-habis; she has an ~ list of complaints, rungutannya berjela-jela; 2. of a belt, chain, cable, etc, lingkar: an ~ belt, sabuk lingkar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
everlasting | adj 1. (fml) lasting forever, kekal, abadi: ~ fame, kemasyhuran yg kekal; 2. (derog) incessant, tdk /habis-habis, sudah-sudah/: I’m tired of their ~ complaints, saya bosan dgn rungutan mereka yg tdk habis-habis itu; 3. (of flower) tahan lama. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
eternal | adj 1. everlasting, abadi, kekal: ~ bliss, kebahagiaan yg abadi; 2. (colloq) incessant, tak /henti-henti, habis-habis, sudah-sudah/: ~ bickering, pertengkaran yg tak henti-henti; 3. absolute, mutlak: this is one of the ~ truths of nature, ini ialah satu drpd kebenaran alam yg mutlak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exhaust | vt 1. tire out, amat meletihkan, menyebabkan [sso] amat penat: the difficult climb ~ed him, pendakian yg sukar itu amat meletihkannya; 2. use up, menghabiskan; (patience), /membuat, menyebabkan/ [sso] hilang [sabar]: they have ~ed their water supply, mereka telah menghabiskan bekalan air mereka; the children really ~ed my patience, budak-budak itu betul-betul membuat saya hilang sabar; 3. fully deal with, /membincangkan, membicarakan/ habis-habis: I thought we had already ~ed the subject and that there was nothing more to say about it, saya ingat kita telahpun membicarakan perkara itu habis-habis dan tdk ada apa-apa lagi yg dapat diperkatakan tentangnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fully | adv 1. completely, [various translations]: your question was ~ answered at the last meeting, pertanyaan kamu dijawab sepenuhnya dlm mesyuarat yg lepas; he is still not ~ convinced, dia masih belum benar-benar yakin; a ~ charged battery, bateri yg dicas penuh; you need to depress the clutch ~, kamu perlu menekan cekam habis-habis; have you ~ recovered?, sudahkah kamu betul-betul pulih?; a ~ -trained pilot, juruterbang yg mendapat latihan penuh; 2. at least, sekurang-kurangnya: the meeting lasted ~ three hours, mesyuarat itu berlangsung sekurang-kurangnya tiga jam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
babble | vt 1. utter incoherently, membebelkan: he came hurriedly into the meeting room, babbling his excuses for being late, dia masuk ke bilik mesyuarat dgn tergesa-gesa sambil membebelkan helah-helahnya krn datang lewat; 2. also ~ out, reveal, divulge foolishly, membebelkan, membocorkan: he had ~d our plans to them, dia telah membebelkan rancangan kita kpd mereka; to ~ a secret membebelkan rahsia; ~ (out) nonsense, merepek(-repek), bercakap yg bukan-bukan; ~ on and on, tdk habis-habis menceceh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
finish | vi 1. come to an end, a. (of organized event) tamat, berakhir, selesai; (colloq) habis: at what time will the meeting ~?, pukul berapa mesyuarat akan tamat?; the party didn’t ~ until midnight, majlis itu hanya berakhir pd tengah malam; b. (ref to period of time or st regarded as such) tamat, berakhir; (colloq) habis: the academic year ~es in April, tahun akademik berakhir pd bulan April; his contract ~es at the end of the month, kontraknya berakhir hujung bulan ini; c. (of work, activity) selesai; (colloq) habis: the final payment will be made as soon as work on the building ~es, bayaran terakhir akan dibuat sebaik sahaja kerja pembinaan bangunan itu selesai; filming ~ed a few days ago, penggambaran selesai beberapa hari lalu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
finished | adj 1. having completed st, selesai, habis: what time will you be ~?, pukul berapakah kamu selesai?; Hamid thought he’d paid all his tax arrears but he discovered that Inland Revenue wasn’t ~ with him yet, Hamid menyangka dia sudah melangsaikan tunggakan cukainya tetapi dia mendapati pihak Hasil Dalam Negeri belum habis dengannya lagi; 2. no longer interested, tdk /ingin, mahu/ lagi: I’m ~ with teaching English, saya tdk ingin lagi menjadi guru bahasa Inggeris; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deplete | vt 1. empty, exhaust, (act.) menghabiskan; (pass.) sudah habis: the heavy rain has ~d the land of its top soil, hujan lebat telah menghabiskan lapisan atas tanah itu; the nation’s mineral wealth is sadly ~d, kekayaan galian negara itu sudah habis; be ~d of, sudah tdk ada lagi: the lake is ~d of fish, tasik itu sudah tdk ada ikan lagi; 2. reduce, mengurangkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |